
05:34 PM | 17-08-2019

Suffering from hair loss.. Please help

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7 Answers

11:09 AM | 14-09-2019

Hair is our Representative of Health, inner and outer Beauty and Wellness. 

Health: When all our body's inner organs are nourished properly, then turn comes of Hair and Nails. So to be Healthy, we should start a Healthy Lifestyle. 

Beauty: Quality of Hair is a different aspect and Quality of Roots of Hair is different. Both should be very well nourished. We should apply Chemical-free OILS, WASH, GELS ...everything. 

Wellness: Our prior requirement is to follow Healthy Eating Habits with a positive mindset. Where extra nourishment can reach to Hair.


❌ Chemical-based usage of Cosmetics  for Hair 

❌ Anger and Anxiety 

❌ Heavy Mental Work Load 

❌ Irregular Eating Habits 

❌ Experimental and Advertisement based  Inauthentic Treatment 


✔️ Usage of Natural Products

✔️ Balanced and Nourishing Diet

✔️ Shirshasan for Fresh Blood Circulation

✔️ Relaxed mindfull Meditation

✔️ Proper Traditional Hair Massage weekly once

If you have any other question, you can ask.

Take care

Thank you 

12:45 PM | 23-09-2019

Massage is really good for Hair


09:48 PM | 20-09-2019

Very Practical solution


03:33 PM | 14-09-2019

Clear understanding of dos n donts thank you

Doshi Zarana - Jeevan ...

07:14 PM | 14-09-2019


07:36 PM | 17-08-2019

You should start consuming raw food and start avoiding the imflamatory food from your diet. Start exercise for good health of overall body stop eating extra salt or table salt for good hair. Stay hydrated consume liquid diet.for good hair you should give massage to your scalp . trim your hairs after 4-5months. Comb your hair atleast 5-6 times perday. Stop using chemical based shampoo n oil . apply natural conditioner .

11:09 AM | 14-09-2019


*आपको अपने भोजन में 80% मौसमी फल व सब्जियों को शामिल कर लेना चाहिए , 

*फलों के जूस को प्रातः 7:00 -9:00 के बीच सेवन करें!

*फलों को 9:00-11:00 के बीच सेवन करें !

*नारियल के तेल या बादाम के तेल को बालों की जड़ों में अच्छे से रगड़ कर लगाएं !

*सूखे मेवे -मूंगफली, बादाम का सेवन करें!

#निषेध- तली- भुनी ,मसालेदार, मांस ,ठंडे पेय पदार्थ , क्रोध ,तनाव ,चिंता !

11:18 AM | 14-09-2019

Please follow the link to improve hair growth  http://www.wellcure.com/questions-answers/1416/i-have-thin-and-short-hair-but-i-want-to-long-hair-what-should-i-do#answer5622

11:18 AM | 14-09-2019

Please read hair health listed in Wellcure’s Body Wisdom section.

Quality of hair reflects the internal health of an individual. If your body reflects poor health, even the cells of your hair are made up of the same material. Health is always inside out not outside in. 

Rapid aging of the cells/ poor quality is due to toxaemia or accumulation of toxins also affects the hair because they multiply rapidly compared to other cells in the body. It depends on the internal health of the individual. The way to improve the quality is to ensure


- eat foods that don’t consume a lot of digestion ( raw food ) - fruits veggies and greens for the entire day except for dinner. 

-lead a holistic life that does not have stress / negativity emotionally. 

-Balanced exercises, exposure to natural elements like sun / ground / good breathing etc.

- ensure that u pass motions regularly and if u struggle here, that’s the root cause

-yoga pranayama 

-Massage your scalp with warm castor oil every week.

-Take bath with cold water on the head and not hot


-Practice inverted headstand yogasana that helps in blood flow tothe brain 


- stop consuming packaged ready to eat, refined flour, sugar, greasy foods, caffeine, alcohol etc

- don’t eat cooked for all 3 meals

- avoid fried

- avoid refined and polished grains

-avoid all forms of chemicals from Touching the hair and skin like soaps shampoos of all forms and stick to home made products.

This is a lifestyle and it takes time to see the effect on hair. It takes few yrs. Hair unlike other organs are not so Essential for survival .. so body tends to focus on healing the most important ones and come to the less imp ones later .

Check this hair wash / body wash / handwash recipe that I use. I don’t have a lot of grey hair when compared to my peers. People have given a good feedback after using it 


Emotional stress also affects the quality of hair. 

Do the right things and over time the results also will be seen. 


Be blessed 

Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

11:07 AM | 14-09-2019


बाल भी हमारे शरीर का ही हिस्सा है। सिर में ऑक्सिजन की कमी और मिनरल की कमी से ये समस्या होती है। तनाव, सही देखभाल ना होने के स्तिथि में भी बाल अधिक गिरते हैं। आपके खाने में उन पोषक तत्व को लें जो की पाचन तंत्र को स्वस्थ रखें। अधिकांश समय यह समस्या हमारे पाचन तंत्र के स्वस्थ नहीं रहने पर भी होता है। रासायनिक शेम्पू एवं साबुन से भी ऐसा होता है।

शरीर के हर हिस्से में जो पोषक तत्व पहुँचना चाहिए, वो नहीं पहुँच रहा है। 

आपके आहार में सब्ज़ी का जूस शामिल करने की ज़रूरत है।

फल, सब्ज़ी और सलाद को अपने खाने में शामिल करें।

सुबह की शुरुआत 1/2 खीरा + करी पत्ता पीस कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ, फल एक घंटे बाद लें। 12 बजे दोपहर में पालक 10पत्ते + पुदीना10पत्ते पीस कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। रात का खाना 8 बजे तक में कर लें। रात का भोजन में सलाद ही लें तो बहुत अच्छा होगा।

मेरुदंड ( स्पाइन) सीधा करके बैठें, हमेशा इस बात ध्यान रखें और हफ़्ते में 3 दिन मेरुदंड का स्नान करें।

सर पर सूती कपड़ा बाँध कर उसके ऊपर खीरा और मेहंदी या करी पत्ते या नीम का पेस्ट लगाएँ, नाभि पर खीरा का पेस्ट लगाएँ।बालों को नींबू या रीठा से साफ़ करें। कपूर और नारियल तेल से मालिश करें।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

05:47 PM | 21-09-2019


Plz visit on the given article for better results 



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