
11:59 AM | 18-12-2018

I am experiencing constant twitching or spasm on my right eyebrow for past 10 days. Comes and goes in 3 hour intervals. Can anyone recommend a natural remedy?

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2 Answers

02:44 PM | 18-12-2018

Each cell of our body is connected to nervous system. When the nervous system doesn't get the necessary stimuli (all OK report) from a particular cell/part of the body, it initiates a motor stimuli for that cell or part of the body to shake/move it to get the stimuli. This motor stimuli is the cause of sudden shiver, sudden moment of limbs, unexplained shaking of fingers or joints.

In your case it's the constant motor stimuli from brain to eyes for return call which is not happening. Do the following:-

1. Wash your face with cold water followed by warm water soaked towel press.
2. Avoid all stimulants like tea, coffee, aerated drinks, etc.
3. The main cause is inflammation, it could be anywhere in the upper body region.
4. Do oil pulling daily for next 30 days.

03:00 PM | 18-12-2018

Hi. Twitching is an involuntary movement of muscles. Why involuntary? Because muscles don't move like that, some unwanted action of yours has caused this. You will have to figure that out. Are you sleeping well? Have you been stressed about something? Have you been spending too much time on screens - mobile, tv? any excess of alcohol or caffeine or junk food?

The corrective action has to be in line with the root cause. In the meanwhile, try to relax yourself. Do gentle massage around eyes with warm oil. Do rose water eye pads in darkness. Sit in early morning sun & deep breathe with your eyes closed. Increase intake of hydrating foods such as coconut water, lemon, fruits, fruit juices & smoothies, veggie juices, raw veggie salads, soaked dry fruits.

Start your day with soaked raisins. Have a dates banana smoothie for breakfast, anything else you eat should be after a gap of atleast half an hour. Have 1 coconut's water everyday.

Two weeks is a long time. If this is happening regularly, as you mentioned, and is bothering you, pls consult a health practitioner. Here we talk more from our learnings & experience. All the best!!



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