
05:13 PM | 21-12-2018

My son is 2 years 10 months old. He has a habit of drinking milk to sleep, in afternoon & night. At night, everytime he wakes up he asks for milk. I'm struggling to wean him off. His front teeth are in a bad shape due to this habit. He drinks animal milk & uses a bottle. Any ideas on how i should get him off milk? & how to take care of his teeth??

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3 Answers

07:41 AM | 22-12-2018

let me share my experience regarding feeding kids.I breastfed my elder one for 3 years then shifted to feeding from a glass ... no bottle at all .... later went onto drop dairy altogether .Today he’s 22 years old .My younger one I breastfed for 9 months ,after which I had to travel leaving him behind so my mom started feeding him banana each time he wanted his breastfeed so much so that he got hooked on to bananas( he still is at age 17).

Point I’m trying to make is you could try feeding him something resembling or tasting like milk ..... a fruit smoothie, mashed fruit , coconut/ almond milk smoothies.Post 3 years once you start teething one does not need milk at all.

10:58 PM | 21-12-2018

Imo teeth is impacted if a sweetner is added with diary when they feed on it while sleeping. So even when I did not know the bad effects of diary, I did not use sweeteners in the milks.

Slowly get him to drink in a glass giving some reasons of why the bottle got lost. He will throw some tantrums and perhaps you may have to deal with it smartly. Cook up some stories of how bottles are not there anymore. When kids get to the glass, they drink less and also the convinience and comfort of the bottleis lost. Slowly start mixing plant milk and animal milk and increase the ratios of plant milk without his notice. It’s like if u take time to increase in small steps, he won’t know the change and one day when the entire thing is a plant milk he won’t notice it. Getting kids off the bottle can only be done when u make the bottle disappear .

07:16 PM | 22-12-2018

Apart from what others have said, I would like to add that getting him off milk in the afternoon is easier than night. So tackle that first. Perhaps tell him a make believe story of some baby who stopped having milk and grew up stronger than every before? 

08:24 PM | 22-12-2018

One more thing is that let your husband handle him when he wakes up in the night. He is seeking comfort in the form of milk.. maybe your husband has better ways to comfort him.. play for sometime, read some stories etc till he falls asleep again. This can help break the habit. Worked for me when I weaned my son.


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