
01:25 PM | 07-11-2019

Any updated information for type 1 diabetic patient?

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1 Answer

09:16 AM | 08-11-2019

Diabetes type 1 is a condition where the body has failed to process the sugars to energy. The beta cells of the pancreas have failed to produce the insulin harmone. Simple sugars like fructose from fruits vs glucose from other grains etc reach through different methods to the cells. Fructose reaches via cell diffusion where as glucose needs insulin to transport it. Thefoods that get converted to glucose needs insulin majorly. The role of pancreas is huge in this. Why does pancreas fail or weaken in cases like Type1. It could be a genetically inherited weakness of the gland which further was weakned by lifestyle. Pancreas also are made up the same kind of cells that are there across your body. Just that the roles are different. A cricket team needs everyone to perform for the match to win. However, all players know how to play cricket basics but are specialized to play a certain role. Similarly, pancreas or cells making the pancreas play two major roles. One is to aklalize the food mass or chyme thats acidic leaving to tjhe small intestines along with bile and second role is to secrete insulin to transport glucose to the cells. So in case when insulin production has failed, there is a good chance that the efficiency of digestion also has failed. Typically type1s do well on raw food diets majorly because the food is alkaline to start with and the level of pancreatic buffers needed is less and secondly the insulin needed is also less for the natural enzymes in the food gets assimilated without a fuss. The challenge comes when we have grains and animal foods into the mix. THis is when the need for insulin is more because most of them are proteins and with a lot of effort from the bile, these become glucose inefficiently and unless you have insulin, they can prove fatal.

So why did pancreas come to this state in the first place ? The constant overload of acidic foods exposed to an already weakened body makes the pancreas also weak, further weakening its functions too. 

Any part of the body can rectify itself under ideal conditoons.

Feed the body the foods that are purely alkaline and stop input of further toxins, hydrate the body enough with juices and natutal liquids to flush the collected toxins out. Lead a lifestyle that does not add more toxins with the living conditions. The pancreas then over time will also return to a state with which you were born even if its slightly weak, it can do its job provided you dont abuse the body and tax the pancreas and adrenals/liver.

1) Feed the body raw fruits more, vegetables, plenty of greens

2) Drink 2-3 lts of fluids from vegetables and greens including water

3) Sleep for 8 hrs and get up well rested

4) Get exposure to sun every morning

5) Practice pranayama and Yoga

6) Work out to build muscles and move those lymphatics enough to detox the system and also rest well

7)Emotional thinking can drain ur energy even more and make healing harder. So ensure that you learn ways to stay happy always with life. Listen to BK Shivani, Louis Hay and such people.

Foods to be exclusively included - Fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices and green juices. Dont keep overloading uourself with snacking even if its raw. Eat only when hungry.

Avoid these absolutely

1) Animal foods like dairy, meat eggs fish

2) Grains and cooked in your condition will be a problem

3) Sugary treats, bakery foods, fried foods, packaged foods 

Thanks and be blessed

Smitha hemadri(Educator of natural healing practices)

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