
02:38 PM | 13-12-2019

Suffering with mental and physical problems. I am not able to carry on daily routine. What to do?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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5 Answers

08:54 PM | 13-12-2019


Various scientific research has shown that both the mind and body are connected. If you consume a healthy diet, sleep well exercise and meditate it helps to calm down the mind. Lets briefly understand this phenomenon. The mind and the body are connected by many nerves and veins, the most important being the Vagus Nerve. This connects the brain and spinal cord. This controls all the actions which are not under our control, like digestion, anxiety, panic attacks, blood pressure, etc. When the body is experiencing stressful situations the vagus nerve is unable to send a response to the brain to relax. Therefore, if the body is under stress, (which might be even improper eating habits, since the body has to remove more toxins to maintain a balance)and due to this there are negative emotions, decreased immunity and poor digestion. But, when we are in a relaxed state the body gets the signal to repair and heal and maintain a balance. Anything like even lack of sleep, insufficient exercise or wrong eating habits can disturb this balance. This, in turn, affects the way you manage and perceive situations and manage emotions.

Certain lifestyle changes would help assist you:

  • This includes the removal of all animal products including dairy, removal of packed and processed, oily and sugary foods. This creates an overload of toxins and disturbs the balance of the body.
  • Include lots of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. They all contain essential vitamins and minerals for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Exposure to sunshine and proper rest and sleep are also of prime importance. They release happy hormones, and in a relaxed state, the body can repair and heal.
  • Manage stress either by some physical activity or deep breathing. This calms the body down. This helps the body to repair and heal.
  • Adequate sleep. The body repairs and heals during sleep.

Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you


10:10 AM | 16-12-2019

Due to today's polluted environment and pollution, we tend to feel anxious mentally and tired physically, this does not allow us to achieve most of our wellbeing. In fact, this is taking us closer to the disease. We have to make sure that we start following a healthy mode of healing.

When we talk about the mental and physical problem then it is the holistic cure we need to take care of, it is the amalgamation of both energy and internal body homeostasis that we need to maintain during the body. With both diet and exercise, we can balance our body and gain the most of physical and mental wealth.

By following these dietary tips:

1. Start your day with warm water and give it a stomach wash so that it will help in detoxing, the next thing is to continue having multigrain roti with protein-filled sprouts in breakfast.

2. Have more fresh fruits and raw vegetables in your diet.

3. Have mineral-rich food as magnesium, selenium and zinc helps in giving the brain and helps in mood disorders as well keep the body in fatigue in check. Giving us more energy.

4. Include exercising in your daily routine ill make you feel fresh, a brisk of 30 minutes is helpful. 

Thank you



10:09 AM | 16-12-2019

Hi, Saritha

You must understand mind and bodywork together, A mentally Stressed mind will lead to physical ailments.  Brain uses more energy than your physical body so when you are mentally stressed it will drain your physical energy, so maintaining a healthy diet only will not solve your problem you even have to maintain relaxation.

By following the below lifestyle changes you can get rid of your problem:

  1. Dietary Modification:


  • Milk and milk products like, ice cream, kulfi, Tea/ Coffee,
  • Eggs,
  • Chicken, meat, fish, shrimps, and other non-veg foodstuff,
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Wheat
  • Sugar
  • Oily foods &
  • Junk foods

To consume:

  • Seasonal Fruits,
  • Fresh vegetables,
  • Lentils
  • Millets
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Flax seeds oil
  • Sunflower seeds oil
  • Dry fruits

Diet plan:

early morning 2 glass of water/ honey water

Breakfast: Seasonal fruits + 5 soaked almonds+ 5 dates + 5 cashews + 5 pistas

Lunch: Small bowl of seasonal fruits + normal lunch

Dinner (before 7:30 pm): any vegetable soup + salads + 2 Roti’s (made from millets) ­+ curry +rice + dal, butter milk.

2. Enough sleep is very important so make sure you are sleeping for at least 6 hours every night,

3. Proper exercise and physical activity and exposure to sunlight is very essential,

  • Barefoot walking on grass early in the morning
  • Jogging / running in the early morning
  • Spinal stretching / exercises every day.

4.Stress management:

  • Yoga

12 rounds of suryanamaskar’s with awareness of breathing

  • Meditation

Omkara Meditation, for 15 minutes twice a day (or)

Transcendental meditation 20 mins twice a day

  • Pranayama

Anuloma viloma pranayama for 5 minutes in the morning

Sheetali, seethkari, sadanta pranayama 20 rounds each practice in the morning

Bhramari pranayama 15 rounds twice a day

Being in a positive mindset is a very important factor to keep you mentally and physically problem-free.



10:11 AM | 16-12-2019

 Hi. We would like to guide you to a few resources on Wellcure - 

  1. Blogs 

    1. Tension, anxiety and depression - Deal with it naturally

    2. 5 Practical Tools to Overcome Stress

  2. There are many natural healing stories on Wellcure, but we would like to guide you to these three specifically as they included healing from anxiety & depression also.

    1. How I overcame depression & skin issues and healed my life

    2. Nature helped me heal from a multitude of ailments to a state of pristine health

    3. Being In Sync With Nature Made Me Illness Free 

Adopting a natural lifestyle will help you in reclaiming your health. Wellcure’s Nature Nurtures Program will help you in making the transition, step by step. You may read more about it here.

08:34 PM | 13-12-2019

Mind and bodywork together. An emotionally disturbed mind leads to a physically imbalanced body, in addition, to the bad lifestyles that people typically lead to add fuel to this. Remember your brain cells use 3x the oxygen when compared to other cells. The more you think about negative thoughts, the more drain you will experience. A discharged body will have very little to tend to the physical needs. 

Switch to a fully plant-based lifestyle with more focus on raw. The more raw, the better. We don't know what physical problems you are dealing with. Avoid dairy, eggs, meat, fish, wheat, sugar, oils and junk food. 

I do both food-based and physiological counseling. Reach me to discuss your problems in detail here offline - https://rzp.io/l/1LR1mH1


Be blessed 

Smitha Hemadri (Educator of Mary healing practices )


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