
04:38 PM | 13-12-2019

I have a problem of overthinking. Whenever I try to do some work I get completely distracted by my own thoughts. I am unable to come over it. What to do about it?

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2 Answers

08:48 PM | 13-12-2019

Lack of focus and concentration is something that we have to develop over time. The art to focus on is to try small activities without getting distracted. Then it becomes a habit. Check this video from Dandapani. It's going to help you understand https://youtu.be/4O2JK_94g3Y

In addition to this, when the brain is constantly getting messages and various centers of the brain are physically not able to focus, then it could also be because of a lifestyle issue. Body and mind work together and a toxic body leads to a distracted mind too. 

Switch to a fully plant-based lifestyle with fruits veggie and greens till dinner for every single meal without having any cooked food. Only for dinner have gluten-free, oil-free food. Drink 1-2 ltr of juice and 1-2 liters of water per day. Exercise for an hr daily. Exposure to the sun for 30-40 mins daily. You will see a lot of progress. 

If you want to talk to me in detail, reach me on this link 


Thanks and regards

Be blessed

Smitha Hemadri ( Educator of natural healing practices )

08:45 PM | 13-12-2019


Various scientific research has shown that both the mind and the body are connected. If you consume a healthy diet, sleep well exercise and meditate it helps to calm down the mind. Lets briefly understand this phenomenon. The mind and body are connected by many nerves and veins, the most important being the Vagus Nerve. This connects the brain and spinal cord. This controls all the actions which are not under our control, like digestion, anxiety, panic attacks, blood pressure, etc. When the body is experiencing stressful situations the vagus nerve is unable to send a response to the brain to relax. Therefore, if the body is under stress, (which might be even improper eating habits, since the body has to remove more toxins to maintain a balance)and due to this there are negative emotions, decreased immunity and poor digestion. But, when we are in a relaxed state the body gets the signal to repair and heal and maintain a balance. Anything like even lack of sleep, insufficient exercise or wrong eating habits can disturb this balance. This, in turn, affects the way you manage and perceive situations and manage emotions. Meditation is proven to help control thoughts. Also, it is recommended to make lifestyle changes.

Certain lifestyle changes would help assist you:

  • This includes the removal of all animal products including dairy, removal of packed and processed, oily and sugary foods. This creates an overload of toxins and disturbs the balance of the body.
  • Include lots of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. They all contain essential vitamins and minerals for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Exposure to sunshine and proper rest and sleep are also of prime importance. They release happy hormones, and in a relaxed state, the body can repair and heal.
  • Manage stress either by some physical activity or deep breathing. This calms the body down. This helps the body to repair and heal.
  • Adequate sleep. The body repairs and heals during sleep.

Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you


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