
03:51 PM | 23-01-2019

Why do kids catch a cold on season change? How is this linked? My child has been running around with minimal woolens in peak winters. But just when it became rainy after the bright winter spell, he fell sick. Why does this happen?

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3 Answers

02:11 PM | 24-01-2019

Nobody catches cold!

The occurrence of Flu, as I understand, that you are mentioning here, is due to TOXAEMIA*.

When body gets enervated due to many reasons it starts accumulating TOXINS within the body.

Naturally, the body triggers healing crises to clear the toxins accumulated within the body.

FLU is an execution of HEALING CRISES* to clear the toxin.

While maintaining the body temperature also eats up our vitality. SEASONAL CHANGE does affect on our vitality due its change. Our vitality starts accommodating with the change and sometimes gets enervated. Since the children havea lot of conserved vitality within their body triggers FLU, frequently to throw the toxins.

It is a great action by the body, we should acknowledge it!

On the other hand, we need to check the ENERVATION* or the overspend of VITALITY in our children to avoid such discomforting situations.

THE CONSISTENT VITALITY CONSERVATION happens through these lifestyle choices, on a regular basis:




You may also check our recent article on the above* terminologies, in case you are new to Nature Cure science.

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09:59 PM | 23-01-2019

I read this is the book from a famous naturopath. During winters, the skin pores close to conserve body heat. Elimiation of toxins from the skin slows down. So the next chance the body gets(in your case, season change from cold to rainy) body removes the accumulated toxins in the form of fever. Makes sense?

05:39 PM | 23-01-2019

When there are toxins in the body, slight triggers can also affect the body. Many of us used to blame the weather, dust , scent , pollen but once we changed our lifestyle to include more raw, the cold happened in the initial days without any triggers and over time the body eliminated only when junk went in or occasionally.  My kids also hardly cover themselves now. Their journeys are also published. Please keep him on raw fruits and remove man made junk ,  animal products like dairy and meat, refined foods oils etc and this will avoid the body having to create toxins. What body can recognize is only raw natural food, even cooked food does not digest properly and causes toxins. However, cooked must also be consumed in moderation. 



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