
02:49 PM | 13-04-2019

I am 37 year old and slightly obese (82 kg at 5"9 height) and no other major health problem. Whenever I try to fast, after 3-4 hours some mild pain starts across my chest area and it keeps increasing till I don't eat something. It goes away completely after a meal. What can this pain be? Do I need to worry?

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4 Answers

09:59 PM | 13-04-2019

Hi healing crisis happens when we give the body some rest from digestion always. It tries to start a cleanup. It’s quite possible that the pains your experiencing is a healing crisis or detox . Don’t do a dry fast unless your body is ready for it. When we train the body to slowly go from grains to no grains to cooked legumes to cooked veggies to fruits to veg juices to water to dry.. by the time you get to this last stage .. u would have healed from everything and body will be naturally ready to fast. Don’t force fast  without realising that body will do it’s intended job - to clean you in a rigourous way. 

So when you fasted and crisis happened and pain was experienced , you feared that the fasting gave you pain and you ate. You then felt the pain vanish. This is because you chose to divert the attention of the body to shift to digestion and not cleanup or fixing. This issue will come up in future .. but please learn the ways of working of the body before you attempt something because someone tells you it’s good to fast. 

Reach us if you have more questions 

06:39 AM | 14-04-2019

How does one define a healing crisis? How can one know that its a healing crisis and no other health problem?


10:09 AM | 15-04-2019

Put a thick wet cold towel on your stomach area and lie down for 20 minutes , it should help.

You are having detox symptoms so dont worry too much.

If you must eat, eat fruits and vegetables more.

07:48 AM | 15-04-2019

Sumeet - healing crisis can be anything that’s not defined as normal / discomfort / inconvenience. Any deviation from a normal body feeling. 

Can be cold cough fever pains swelling itching cravings rashes growths fatigue. When the condition has started to heal, many such symptoms can be seen to peak before it will go away. In NC this is the period during which a person must mentally remain patient to face. Post that it’s bliss. Crisis happens for a long period, but the first few months are very crucial and must be dealt with in a proper way. 

07:48 AM | 15-04-2019


Every time one tries to fast the body does get into a healing and cleaning mode. Yes, to a person who is not aware of the way how the body works, it can be a scary situation. So it would be better to get help from a nature cure practitioner to help you go through the healing crises safely and move on with your healing journey. 

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