
10:40 AM | 22-05-2019

Hi! I grew up eating laddoos like atta and besan laddoos. But these are made using lot of ghee. Any suggestions of making nutritious laddoos without ghee?

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3 Answers

02:32 PM | 03-05-2019

Watch this video - Healthful laddoos

11:00 AM | 03-05-2019

Recently I tried making peanut & white til laddoo.....turned out to be very nice. Its simple to make - roast peanuts & til separately. Grind them one by one. Melt some jaggery in a pan & warm it till it thickens. Add the roasted peanut & roasted til powder. Cook for 5 min, mix properly. Allow to cool a little bit. When it is just warm enough to hold, roll into balls.

09:57 AM | 02-05-2019

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