
10:40 AM | 10-05-2019

Hi, my question is for my 3 year old daughter. Off late she is getting acid reflux. She has good amout of fruits and stays hydrated. But whenever she lies down.... Is uncomfortable and often feels like vomiting. I would like to avoid medication as far as possible...

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5 Answers

03:50 PM | 10-05-2019

Hi. Great that she eats a lot of fruits. Make sure they are eaten on an empty stomach and alone. Don’t mix with any other foods like dairy or cooked food or veggies. Don’t eat soon after cooked meal. Eat melons separately, don’t even mix with any other fruits.

Give her lemon water 2-3 times a day - half a lemon’s juice diluted with half a glass of water (less if she can accept). Add few drops of ginger juice and pinch of haldi too.

Bel sharbat and coconut water will also help.

Keep her off dairy, non veg, biscuits, bread, jam, toffee, chocolate, etc. Try to reduce wheat - give rice, dosas, dal based chillas instead. 

Put rose water packs on her tummy and forehead. Let her relax. Give her lots of comfort and let her know she’s a strong girl. She’ll feel better soon. 

Take care.

07:54 PM | 17-05-2019

Acid reflux in children is very rare. Children often gulp down food without chewing, hence swallow lot of air with food. Now ensuring that a child chews properly is very difficult, so please do the following:-
1. Give fruits only on empty stomach and do not give her anything for the next one hour (minimum), ideal is two hours. Not even water.
2. Give her a date or thumb nail size jaggery after the fruits.
3. Cut very small pieces of fruits and give her a fork or chopsticks to eat.
4. Do not let her sleep after meals.
5. Try giving only one type of fruit at a time.
6. Avoid melons.

04:06 PM | 12-05-2019

Acid reflux shows high level of acidity in the system. Exact reason can be identified only on diagnosis of her schedule but common reasons are:

  • High consumption of acidic foods like dairy, cereals, processed foods etc

Please refer tohttps://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/1/do-you-know-about-the-body-s-acid-alkaline-balancefor more details on acidic imbalance in body and how it impacts

  • Improper food combinations

Improper food combinations leads to fermentation of foods inside our body and that leads to excess acidic reactions. Most common errors are: Fruits after cooked foods, Drinking water with food, mixing grains (rice and wheat) in one meal, too much variety of foods in one meal, mixing nuts with fruits

Please readhttps://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/17/understanding-the-what-why-how-of-food-combinations




05:42 PM | 09-05-2019

Is she a vegan? Is she on animal products? my daughter had similar issues while she was not. 

Secondly please don’t feed fruits when she is not on empty stomach. Let her eat when hungry and not till she is full.. much before she is full. Until her gut heals, it’s better she is on tender coconut water, juices without any sweeteners and fruits only if she is hungry. Kindly ask her not to eat till she feels really full. 

04:37 PM | 09-05-2019



Can you give more information about your child’s daily routine along with her food routine ?

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