
12:45 PM | 23-04-2021

I have breakouts on my face every now and then and that keeps me so demotivating that i have stopped looking myself into the mirror. Whta to do to have clear skin?

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2 Answers

04:16 PM | 26-04-2021

Hello Shreya,

Our skin is the reflection of our internal well being. If we are healthy from inside then only it will reflect outside as our healthy hairs and skin.

Reasons for unhealthy skin-

  • Heavy makeup
  • Unhygienic conditions 
  • Hormonal imbalance 
  • Stress 
  • Pollution
  • Improper sleep 
  • Improper food intake like oily foods.
  • Dirt.

These reasons result in blocking of skin pores which causes inflammation and then develops pimples, cracks and other skin issues.

Foods to avoid-

  • Avoid dairy products
  • Avoid tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks. 
  • Avoid oily foods and spicy foods.
  • Avoid refined grains.
  • Say no to refined sugar.
  • Avoid chocolates.


Having a good sleep is equally important as having a good diet.

Sleep timings and duration both are important.


Performing yoga also helps to clean the blood and to get healthy skin.

Perform following asanas regularly-

  • Trikona asana
  • Bhujanga asana 
  • Hala asana
  • Utthana asana
  • Sarvanga asana
  • Matsya asana
  • Pavanmukta asana 


Perform vritta pranayam and bhramri pranayam on a regular basis. This will help to reduce pimples. 

Local application-

  • Make a paste by mixing 2tablespoons of besan and 3 tablespoons Gulab Jal and add some drops of coconut oil to it. 
  • Apply this mixture on your face.
  • Rinse your face with cold water after 2 minutes. 
  • This will clean your face in a natural way.

Things to avoid-

  • Avoid makeup on your face. 
  • Avoid applying chemical-based products on your face. 
  • Avoid packaged foods and oily foods. 

Things to do-

  • Have plenty of water throughout the day. 
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Take the sunrays in the morning. 
  • Have only natural plant-based foods in your diet. 

Thank you 

04:16 PM | 26-04-2021

There are a few things you can do to have a clear and bright skin:

1. Do the pranapana mudra for 10 minutes, thrice a day.
2. Hold your calves with opposite hands. This brings a glow and good health to the skin.
3. If you have boils, keep your right palm on the surface and your left palm on your right palm. Opposite arrangement of hands if you have pits on the skin.
4. Drink lots of cucumber infused water made at home.
5. Consume lots of green and leafy vegetables.

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