
10:21 AM | 19-07-2021

Hello everyone. I have an ovarian cyst and I am pregnant. Please guide me to find a solution regarding this. Doctors have told me to do a surgery.

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2 Answers

08:50 PM | 31-07-2021

Hello Simran,

If we keep on loading ourselves with adulterated things and chemical-based products, we are definitely going to be prone to any kind of illness. Once the disease enters the body, it is the whole body that needs to heal and not just the part and this is what natural cure is all about.

A disease of the reproductive system starts with the high fat and chemical-based diet that we are loading our gastrointestinal tract with. Any disease can make you pre-dispose to another, because of your lifestyle continuation, if you take care of your lifestyle at this moment then there are definite chances that you get yourself treated well and your menstrual cycle will regularise (if it isn't) with dissolving ovarian cyst. But we have to treat our body on the whole so that we can even stop any future problems with our reproductive tract.

Knowing your pregnancy you can discuss all these simple measures with your gynecologist and take a mutual decision.

In any case, the cure remains the same, which is a holistic cure in nature's way.


  • Start with food items like dates, sprouts, green leafy vegetables which help in increasing iron content which helps in dissolving ovarian cyst. (ask your doctor)
  • Vitamin C addition helps in easy-iron absorption, for example adding lemon in dals. Vitamin C keeps our cells activated by absorbing the iron in the body.
  • Include one fruit like apple, papaya, a banana a day to have a healthy GUT.
  • Apply ice packs every 20 minutes which helps in lowering the pain, if you have any.
  • Cumin water acts as a coolant and helps in enhancing the reproductive cycle.


  • Sleep on your back, raise your one leg and start rotating in a circular motion for 5 times and place it back, repeat the same with another leg. This will elevate your uterine muscles.
  • Squats are another exercise to improve uterine health. Do it 15-20 times at one time.
  • Sit and take 10-15 long deep breaths from the abdomen, to release all the toxicity from the body helping us to gain back our normal menstrual cycle.


While sleeping, take a bowl of water. Put two-three essential oil drops like lavender or orange and inhale it. It will help in calming nerves and automatically our body will start getting the rhythm back. Listen to music for 15 minutes by closing your eyes and deep breathing.

This will help in controlling anxiety during stress.


Sleep should be of 7-8 hours, sound. This will help in releasing all stress and treat all the issues in a healthy manner. It is time to get yourself healthy and wise.

Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful

Thank you.

05:38 PM | 31-08-2021

Hello Simran,

Cyst development in the ovaries is a condition known as PCOD (Poly cystic ovarian syndrome). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder which is common in women of reproductive age. Women suffering from PCOS may have prolonged menstrual periods or infrequent periods.

The exact cause of PCOS is not known. However, Obese women and women having a family history of PCOS are more prone to this disorder. If it is left untreated, some cysts can decrease fertility. This is common with endometriomas and polycystic ovary syndrome. To improve fertility, treatment of the cyst is needed. Here are some tips to follow for management. 

Diet to follow- 

  • Eating processed and preserved foods may contribute to inflammation and insulin resistance. So, avoid processed, preserved and packaged foods. 
  • Add fruits, legumes and vegetables in your diet. 
  • Eat nuts, sprouts and soaked raisins in the morning. 
  • Add iron-rich foods like broccoli, spinach to your diet.
  • Have magnesium-rich foods like almonds, cashews and bananas.
  • Include turmeric and cinnamon in your diet. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and cinnamon has positive effects on insulin resistance. 
  • Avoid caffeine. 
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. 
  • Say no to alcohol, tobacco. 
  • Avoid dairy products and animal products. 


Doing yoga is very beneficial for PCOS.

  • Perform bhujanga asana, vriksha asana and padahasta asana. 
  • Do pranayam regularly specially anulom-vilom pranayam. 
  • Take sunrays regularly in the morning for at least 20min. 


Sleeping pattern is very essential for a healthy hormonal balance. Hence, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. 

Thank you

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