
09:15 AM | 18-06-2019

I am looking to replace refined oil with a healthier substitute. Can anyone help with options that works well for indian style cooking. Also, if anyone has used avocado oil before, would love to hear their feedback!

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4 Answers

05:35 PM | 18-06-2019

Why substitute one bad thing for another. All packaged oils are circumspect. Use nuts and seeds for taste addition. So also herbs and fresh produce bring the real taste. I would advise not to waste time and money on any of these oils. Oil is a highly concentrated product no found in nature. Use sparingly for special occasions if it is a must.

05:21 PM | 18-06-2019

Hi. You should definitely try cooking oil free. You'll be amazed Indian food can be made oil-free too & it tastes fine & lighter. Start by reducing the oil you use & gradually take it to zero. Or do a few meals in a week oil free & keep increasing to all meals oil free.

Else you can look at using cold pressed oils - for eg: the traditional kachchi ghaani sarson ka tel. You'll also get sunflower oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, safflower in cold pressed form. 

But remember that we don't need to eat oil to get oil. Oil is best received from nuts & seeds in their whole form. Focus on including the avocado whole in your diet for sure.

01:07 PM | 19-06-2019

Well described . Thankyou . We actually don't need oil to meet the need of oil . Its a most popular myth .


12:52 PM | 19-06-2019

All oils are bad madam. Best is to go oilfree. If you have read reports to say filtered is better / cold pressed is better, yes they are better compared to a much worst oil. But no oils are designed to be consumed by humans. Body does not recognise it .. it costs the body with its grease. Overtime your liver will also become sluggish and bile will become less effective. Once bile is less effective, many other complications start. You see bile is like the vim and pril of the body . Once soap is over / not effective, many more layers of toxins will form and attract scavengers like viruses to enjoy the foods that are not getting digested. This is one of the reasons that diseases start - accumulation of toxins or toxaemia 

09:10 AM | 25-06-2019

Hey Samridhi, 

Let's try to replace oil itself! 

Oil, unless processed, cannot be available outside the body. 
The body can extract the oil that it needs from the edible seeds and nuts that we consumed. 
The nuts and seeds to be consumed but in less quantity (5% of the total meals) to avoid unnecessary burden on the VITALITY.

Thank you...

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