
05:51 PM | 22-07-2019

How can I flush nicotine out if my system and kill the crave permanently?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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5 Answers

09:53 AM | 25-07-2019

Hi there,

Your body will flush it away when you consistently conserve vitality within the body.
Don't worry about it, please!

Killing the crave needs resketching your lifestyle to sync it with Nature.

Please plan it with a Nature Cure counsellor if you are serious about it.
It cannot be recommended in a single answer to your one-line-question.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

09:01 AM | 23-07-2019

Flood your system with only fruits and veg juices all day for a month and let us know. I am serious! This will fix the issue permanently 

10:13 PM | 02-08-2019

I was a smoker for the last 25 years and have quit smoking since the last 90 days now. I couldn't even quit for 2 days at once and I declared it to the world on 3rd day of non smoking.

I smoked in my car, I have smoked in pilgrim places, I am always to eager to buy any required grocery or vegetable at home so that I could step out and smoke. I have been a good husband and father at home so my wife and daughters adjust to this bad habit of mine. Sometime for the whole day I  would not smoke and in the evening till I go to bed, I would have frequnt smokes and balance numbers  !

I did lot of exercise and yoga thinking it will counter ill effects of smoking.

That was the severity

Few things that helped me for quit smoking :

1.  I haven't seen my grandfathers for no fault of mine...  I wanted to live healthy and longer. 

2. Continuous smoking causes cancer. ..  It will not happen to me is a myth. We have to get that into head. 

3. If it is severe it causes irreversible damage to lungs . 

4. Every urge lasts for 1 min and 40 secs ( hope I am recalling this number correctly) .Postpone each time if there is a craving . 

5. Shift to a mint or polo or ground nut whichever is convenient. 

6. Surround yourself with non smokers when you go for a meal of coffee .

7. Tell your near and dear ones that you are making an effort to quit in the beginning itself.  They act as a natural caution system.  You need to tell all those who surround you in those 24 hours in your daily  life . 

8. Tell this to as many as possible  .  Avoid going near those who smoke and party places where people smoke  

9. Keep yourself busy and start a new hobby to tell your mind that you have replaced. 

10. You get lot of people who quit and start after months . Don't hear them. 

I smoked "Gold flake "kings brand and during reviews if that got over , I borrowed a different brand  and smoked ..  While doing so if someone else come in posession  my brand,  went for the second one back to back as if I missed the brand badly. This myth busted when one of my colleague got "Esse "brand cigarettes which were very light and I adjusted and used it for last 4 years..  This incident was an eye opener and gave confidence   That I am not dependent on tobacco or nicotine and whenever I get the urge whatever I have to do is  to puff a cigarette and leave some smoke irrespective of  brand  and I am not slave of Gold flake kings!! 

I quit doing it in the car,  basement  and finally threw the pack in front of colleagues and family. 

I thought I had acidity,  it has stopped from day 2 of my quitting smoking

Water intake has come down though. 

All is well  now. Do ask any doubts. Happy to help. All the best!! 


12:04 PM | 23-07-2019

Hello, It's good to know that you are making an effort to quit smoking. Here are some ways to flush nocotine out your system,

  1. Drink lots of water, more water you drink, more of nicotine will be excreted through urine.
  2. Exercise vigorously and regularly. It will increase the basal metabolic rate of your body, burns up nicotine faster. Nicotine will be released through sweat too.
  3. Eat foods rich in antioxidants.

Hope it helps you, good luck :)

12:04 PM | 23-07-2019


Yes you can completly cure and flush out nicotine toxin from your system by adopting to natural life style and diet.

You can have veg juice like beetroot, carrot, green leafy in order to purfiy your blood and remove toxins.

Also can have ginger herbal tea once in a day. 

Practice yoga and meditation.

Breathing excercise also will help.


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