
09:23 AM | 24-07-2019

Hello friends I am facing a lot of negative vibes. How to over come them?

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2 Answers

05:19 PM | 24-07-2019

Here are some of the additional tips to overcome negative vibes,

  • Sit in a quiet place and listen to mind soothing music
  • Read books of your choice.
  • If you have flair towards art, painting or any other hobbies like photography, travel etc could be a great choice as well.
  • Keep your living area well ventillated and let the sun come in if you have a choice for that.
  • Have good sleep and keep yourself relaxed.
  • Keeping your living area clean and tidy also works wonders.
  • Keep friends for socialising and this could help a lot.
  • Light some scented candles and breathe deeply and meditate if possible.
  • Gardening, cooking, pets, etc are stress buster activities which could also play a vital role in removal of negative vibes.

If these doesnt work, then I would advice to seek some psychologist or psychiatrist which could help as well in advanced cases.

03:45 PM | 24-07-2019


Negative vibes is psychological condition in which the patient panics, suffers from social anxiety, feel excessively self-conscious and is worried about unrealistic problems.

This can leads to fatigue, irritability, muscular aches, insomnia/sleep disorders, abdominal upsets, dizziness, irritability and poor concentration.

It is better that you can engage in any work gives your satisfaction, improve on your skill and participate in any social activities.

Mingle with good friends, have some councelling. Breathe fresh air. Have a brisk walk. Do yoga and meditation. Practice some mudra from the expert.

Read some books, can travel some nice place.

Breathing exercises: Mind has a very close relation with breathing. A person has short and shallow breathing when anxious or stressed and has deep breathing when relaxed and happy.

In your room keep a bowl of rock salt, this will help you to release from negative energy out and creats positive mind. Also keep this in house enterance too.

Have some brisk walk in the morning to lift your mood.


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