
10:43 AM | 02-08-2019

Blood comes in stool. When stool takes place after that continuous blood comes for 5 to 10 minutes without any pain. Now a days it occurs daily. Please provide cure for the illness.

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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8 Answers

05:14 PM | 07-08-2019


To be able to give you better guidance it would be better if I could get more details on your health. But until then there are certain things that you could follow to help your self heal and get relief. 

1 You may apply a wet pack around your stomach every morning for half an hour.

2 If you can find a tub big enough for you to sit in it comfortably with your arms and feet out side. You can fill it up with cold water till 6 inches and sit in it immersing your midsection only. The cold water will help your excretory system and digestive system to relax and will increase the vitality of those parts to help them heal.

3 You may follow other lifestyle changes to help Your body relax and function more normally. where do you start? Start with your food. Start eating clean. Remove all refined flour ,oil, processed sugar, white salt etc from your daily diet. Stop eating outside food. Stop consumption of processed and packaged food like stuffs. What can you eat? Lots of fresh ,locally grown, seasonal fruits. You can start your day everyday with it. Have more fruits for lunch. And let your dinner be a large bowl of salad withlots of greens, sprouted grains or soaked nuts. Finish eating before sunset, so that your body gets enough time to digest, assimilate the nutrients and send the waste towards the exit for elimination. If you continue eating late at night the body doesnt get enough time to do its functions properly.

4 Become active. Go for walks, do yoga or participate in some active sport daily. This will also improve your metabolism.

5Connect with nature. Go out in the sun. Get enough exposure to the suns rays, breath fresh air and do some gardening too. Sleep well. rest well.

6 Look into your life for energy vampires. Do you have a stressfull life? Do you have a stressful job? Do you drink alcohol? Do you smoke? If yes for all then stop and change.

These are basic guidelines. But for better guidance you may get in touch with me and get a diagnisis done and get a personalised plan for improvement of your health.

Be Happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner

05:15 PM | 07-08-2019

Please consult a good gastroenteric surgeon and get your condition, diagnosed first. Only based on your diagnosis , I can provide a solution to your problem. You haven't mentioned your age, in case you are above 40 years, and if there is a malignancy , it has to be first ruled out , if it's just a hemorrhoids problem it's easier to solve by making dietary changes. My advice first get yourself diagnosed , do not delay. Wish you a speedy recovery.

07:53 PM | 18-10-2019

Greetings !

The reason we have Blood in stool is due to our own habits. Mainly a diet that is lacking moisture and higher in acid, low exercise or body movement and high stress. Due to high acid and low fibre in the diet, the hard stool can cause an abrasive injury at the anus. This leads to bleeding stools. Firstly, stay calm, and do not worry about the issue, because it is very common for city folks, who eat a fibre less diet and sit on a chair and desk for long periods. Secondly, understand the causes behind your condition and remove those causes, to automatically feel relief from constipation and bleeding.

The main cause of course is Constipation.


The cause of Constipation needs to be uncovered, and removed, along with steps for relaxation and mind body connection.

Here are some common causes that lead to chronic constipation. Causes of Constipation could be many, I invite you to research your own life and after a self-reflection, remove the causes..

  1. Lack of Fibre in Daily Food

  2. Lack of Sufficient Rest

  3. Emotional distress

  4. Hectic lifestyle leading to exhaustion

  5. Prioritising work over self-care {Sometimes we get the urge to go , but we ignore the nature's call, and keep working instead!}

Identification of the Cause{s} , leads to your gaining self-awareness , which will help you to eventually shift your lifestyle and remove the cause. Gradually but surely, add the following steps, one per week, in your daily routine, to have smooth bowel movements.

1. Green juices ~ These can be made from Bael fruit leaves{ Stone Apple} /Curry leaves/ Wheat grass or local grass in the park called Dhurva grass/ Tulsi /Basil leaves, Using one leaf at a time and keep changing these for each day of the week. These are rich in Chlorophyll, which is very similar to blood and rejuvenates and nourished the body. Cravings will fall drastically when you have drunk this juice, 120 ml or more daily for 1 week. Drink this first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach and leave a gap of 1 hour or 2 , before eating something.


2. Morning cleansing of the body ~Fibre is present in abundance in Fruits. Fibre has the quality of expanding when eaten, and allows for a very good broom to clean our intestines. Begin your day with fruits for breakfast. Since they will help clean your body, with Fibre , your constipation will diminish plus better food absorption means all that effort you are putting in changing your lifestyle, is not going down the drain.Organic produce is the best of course!


3.Sun Charging ~The source of all life is also the primary healer of all ailments. Sitting in the sun, is the single for most effective way to kick-start cleansing of your body. When the plumbing in our house has a blockage, what is our response , we use strong cleaning agents to wash the dirt down or apply pressure from outside. The body needs the same and strongest cleansing agents besides fresh fruits and fresh vegetables is Sunlight!

4. Air Circulation ~ Deep , regular , rhythmic breathing needs to be practised. Take care to stay outdoors when you practice deep breathing. When you inhale, hold your breath for a bit, and after you exhale , hold your breath again. Repeat this Inhale, Hold, Exhale , Hold process for ten times. Every week , double the repetitions , till you reach 60 or twenty minutes. Also keep your doors and windows open all the time and spend as much time outdoors as possible.

5.Sleep ~ There is a reason why we go to the toilet only in the morning, after a full night's rest.Body does the cleaning at night ,during rest. Bring a balance in your day by increasing sleeping time to 9 or 10 or even more hours. The more you sleep, the quicker you heal.


Gradually but surely, add the following steps, one per week, in your daily routine, to have smooth bowel movements.


Happy Healing!


Moonstar Kaur Doad

{Ecologist and Educator }




05:15 PM | 07-08-2019

Eat prunes at night with warm water

Anonymous User
05:14 PM | 07-08-2019

Have u been consuming alcohol? 

09:27 PM | 19-10-2019

Greetings !

The reason we have Blood in stool is due to our own habits. Mainly a diet that is lacking moisture and higher in acid, low exercise or body movement and high stress. Due to high acid and low fibre in the diet, the hard stool can cause an abrasive injury at the anus. This leads to bleeding stools. Firstly, stay calm, and do not worry about the issue, because it is very common for city folks, who eat a fibre less diet and sit on a chair and desk for long periods. Secondly, understand the causes behind your condition and remove those causes, to automatically feel relief from constipation and bleeding.

Here are some common causes that lead to blood in stool:-

  1. Lack of Fibre in Daily Food

  2. Lack of Sufficient Rest

  3. Emotional distress

  4. Hectic lifestyle leading to exhaustion

  5. Prioritising work over self-care {Sometimes we get the urge to go , but we ignore the nature's call, and keep working instead!}

Identification of the Cause{s} , leads to your gaining self-awareness , which will help you to eventually shift your lifestyle and remove the cause. Gradually but surely, add the following steps, one per week, in your daily routine, to have smooth bowel movements.

1. Green juices ~ These can be made from Bael fruit leaves{ Stone Apple} /Curry leaves/ Wheat grass or local grass in the park called Durva grass/ Tulsi /Basil leaves, Using one leaf at a time and keep changing these for each day of the week. These are rich in Chlorophyll, which is very similar to blood and rejuvenates and nourished the body. Cravings will fall drastically when you have drunk this juice, 120 ml or more daily for 1 week. Drink this first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach and leave a gap of 1 hour or 2 , before eating something.

2. Morning cleansing of the body ~ Fibre is present in abundance in Fruits. Fibre has the quality of expanding when eaten, and allows for a very good broom to clean our intestines. Begin your day with fruits for breakfast. Since they will help clean your body, with Fibre , your constipation will diminish plus better food absorption means all that effort you are putting in changing your lifestyle, is not going down the drain.Organic produce is the best of course!

3. Sun Charging ~ The source of all life is also the primary healer of all ailments. Sitting in the sun, is the single most effective way to kick-start cleansing of your body. When the plumbing in our house has a blockage, what is our response , we use strong cleaning agents to wash the dirt down or apply pressure from outside. The body needs the same and strongest cleansing agents besides fresh fruits and fresh vegetables is Sunlight!

4. Air Circulation ~ Deep , regular , rhythmic breathing needs to be practised. Take care to stay outdoors when you practice deep breathing. When you inhale, hold your breath for a bit, and after you exhale , hold your breath again. Repeat this Inhale, Hold, Exhale , Hold process for ten times. Every week , double the repetitions , till you reach 60 or twenty minutes. Also keep your doors and windows open all the time and spend as much time outdoors as possible.


5. Either Grain or Daal in one meal- Thus Channa could be eaten with vegetables, instead of with rice. Both require 18 hours each to digest, together making 36 hours! Rajma Rice, Daal Rice, hence need to be avoided. Eat vegetables with rice instead, and of course once a week if you feel like indulging memory, go ahead, but know that nutritionally, you are unable to absorb as much nutrients, as if you had eaten vegetables and rice! Avoid Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, Oil, Chocolate , & Animal foods like butter, ghee, milk, cheese or meat !

6. Ready to Eat , Ready to Drink - The presence of ready to eat foods, in nature, full of natural water ,high in fibre, is proof that we were not meant to use fire for cooking foods or vegetables. Fire or cooking foods, naturally dries their natural water, thus making them fail the Wholeness principle!

7. Dried Pulses vs Fresh pulses- Green Channa , Green lobia, Green Rajma, Fresh Corn and Green Bajra , these are fresh pulses, and full of water and fibre as opposed to when they are dried and eaten.

8. Sleep ~ There is a reason why we go to the toilet only in the morning, after a full night's rest.Body does the cleaning at night ,during rest. Bring a balance in your day by increasing sleeping time to 9 or 10 or even more hours. The more you sleep, the quicker you heal.


Gradually but surely, add the following steps, one per week, in your daily routine, to have smooth bowel movements.


Happy Healing!


Moonstar Kaur Doad

{Ecologist and Educator }



07:53 PM | 18-10-2019

 आपको गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी या गुदा रोग विभाग में दिखाना चाहिए एवं विशेषज्ञ के परामर्श के अनुसार उपचार कराना श्रेयस्कर होगा।

12:05 PM | 21-10-2019

Possible causes are piles / ulcerative colitis . Basically any condition that damages the colon walls and makes it highly acidic, it can cause ulcers and blood can line the stools or drip depending on the severity. Are you constipated ? 

It is very important to understand that we can heal from such issues. You will only have to reverse the conditions that led you to this problem.

Remove the following from your lifestyle Dairy, eggs meat fish, sugar, White salt, cooking with oil, oily foods, any form of greasy foods, packaged food from outside,  any grain containing gluten such as wheat barley oats. Avoid processed  flours such as maida. 

Focus on including a lot of fruits vegetables and leafy greens in your diet for the whole day in all forms including juicing. Eat only 30% gluten free grain for dinner and 70% veggies. In the current condition until the bleeding stops stick to fruit juices and fruits only. 

On an emotional side, focus on stabilising negative emotions , bring conscious peace and harmony in your thought process. Live to first keep yourself happy, learn to say no assertively,  but not hurt others too.. learn some me-time.

Expose yourself to the sun for about 30 minutes per day. Practice yoga and pranayama daily.

Be blessed 

Smitha Hemadri (Educator of natural healing practices ) 

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