How Can You Manage Blood Pressure By Nature Cure

Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,

Natural Healing Companion

06:10 PM | 04-06-2019

Blood Pressure - the name itself sounds like a life sentence. Once on the pill always on the pill. And the number of people suffering from it is just too high. So how can one tackle high and low blood pressures using nature cure?

Let's try to understand what is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is a measurement used in medicine. In the body, the arteries carry blood away from the heart. As blood travels through the arteries, It presses against the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure measures how hard the blood is pushing against the walls of the arteries. The first is the systolic Pressure. It is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. It is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). The top, systolic, number is the pressure when the heart beats. The bottom, diastolic, number is the pressure when the heart rests between beats. Normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg.

The body self-regulates blood pressure
The blood pressure may differ in different parts of the body. The reason for this is the blood pressure varies with the organ irrigation, the vessel size, blood flow, branching level from main blood vessel and gravity, when compared to the heart situation. Every organ has its regulation system. For example, the brain has its own mechanism to keep the pressure the same while the main cardiac pressure is decreasing or increasing. The brain doesn’t like to be disturbed during its functioning so protects itself from sudden rise or fall in the blood pressure. The same thing goes for the kidneys. They have a self-regulating mechanism that is very intricate and it makes sure filtrations don’t get disrupted at different blood pressure levels.

Image credit: geraldoswald62 via Pixabay

The human body is such a wonderful machine, the blood pressure regulates itself to adapt to the level of activity the body is involved in.

The blood pressure is lower at night when the body is at rest. It starts raising a bit just before it is time to wake up. Its a bit higher in the morning and it peaks by mid-afternoon. By late afternoon it starts dropping again as the body starts slowing down for the day and gets lower by evening and again gets into the lowest as the body goes into rest mode at night. This rhythmic flow is part of our bodily function and it always stays around the normal blood pressure. Sometimes, the pressure may just temporarily shoot up when we get into a situation of anxiety or stress, like meeting a superior or getting into a stressful situation, but it will settle down too as we calm down. These temporary fluctuations are very much normal part of our bodily function. But it becomes dangerous when the blood pressure goes up or down during a situation and continues to stay so even after the mind has calmed down. This is when one has to become aware and realise that the body needs our immediate attention.

Why does the blood pressure change from its Normal to High or Low?
According to nature cure, there are three types of diseases. Acute, chronic and degenerative. All the simpler issues like cough, cold, fever, body pains etc are acute issues which are supposed to be supported in their attempt to rid the body of toxins in its cleansing process. But due to lack of awareness, most people end up suppressing the issues time and again resulting in the body getting tired and giving up on its cleansing efforts. So all the toxins that are accumulated through all this time get lodged in all the convenient places it can find. and the tired and weakened system gets into a state of chronic sickness of which have many different names, depending on which part is being affected and which function is being disturbed.

And one such issue is the disturbed blood pressure. The arteries get deposited with toxins and the blood starts needing more pressure to be pushed through to complete its functional duties. As the toxic deposits don’t find any outlets due to our very prompt and suppressive actions, people end up suffering from health issues permanently. And even after reaching the chronic state of disease, if one doesn’t get aware and change his lifestyle and food habits, the chronic health issue will end up resulting in a generative disease. At this stage, the health situation has mostly reached the stage of no return. The body has given up and starts slowly withering away. But at any stage of sickness, we have an option to take a U-turn and take responsibility for our own health. The moment one starts supporting the body with the right food and environment, it will start it's cleansing and healing process.

BP – A result of wrong lifestyle practices
So in short, disturbed blood pressure is very much a product of modern lifestyle and food habits. Unless and until one is ready to give up their wrong food habits and unhealthy routines there is no escaping from the complications and consequence that one will eventually face.

The emotional connect

Image credit:AbsolutVisionvia Pixabay

Our emotions too are associated with the rise and fall of our blood pressure. All aggressive, negative feelings are associated with high blood pressure and all regressive emotions are associated with low blood pressure. Aggression pushes the blood vessels with more pressure and regression dilates the blood vessels and the pressure with which blood flows becomes low.

Long term effects
The blood pressure, if it is erratic for a long time, could lead to other complications. High blood pressure puts extra pressure on the heart and may result in heart diseases or end up in heart attacks. The erratic blood pressure and blood pressure medicine can lead to kidney failures. It could also lead to dementia and peripheral arterial diseases. The low blood pressure can make one feel giddy and one may end up losing consciousness.

We usually don’t feel much of a difference in the blood pressure unless it is in the extremes. That's why it is also called a silent killer. People just don’t realise that their life is at a threat until it is too late to save them.

So how does one save himself or herself?
The safest and surest way to normal blood pressure is a complete change in lifestyle and food habits. One has to follow the eight principles of nature cure with complete dedication. And see the magic happen. No medicines, no side effects (negative). Only good health.

Dos and Donts

  1. Start eating Fresh, locally grown and seasonal fruits, vegetables and greens, in forms of whole fruits or juices or salads. The ideal way of eating would be to give up breakfast. Break your fast as late in the morning as possible with fresh, local, seasonal, ripe and sweet watery fruits. Eat only when hungry. Never overeat. Take your last meal before sunset. it could be a large bowl of salads with lots of fresh greens.
  2. Remove white sugar and salt from your diet. Ban all types of processed foods from your life. No Caffeine or tea.
  3. Go for walks in the mornings. Practice Relaxing Pranayama under an expert’s guidance. Anulom Vilom would be very helpful in calming the mind. Do only permitted simple stretching asanas and that too under the guidance of a knowledgable expert.
  4. Get out into the open. Get sun exposure in the early hours of the morning or in the late hours of the evening.
  5. If possible go to a park, be in nature, do some gardening. It is a great way to get into meditation in green surroundings. Very relaxing. You can get benefits of grounding too at the same time. The fresh air and the positive vibes from the trees will infuse you with a lot of positivity and remove all negativity.
  6. Sleep by 9 or 10 pm latest and wake up with the sun if not before the sun. The body functions are very much synchronised with the sun.
  7. Keep an eye on your bowel movements. See that elimination is happening regularly. Eliminate more than the amount of food that you have consumed.

Rest well, relax and be happy.

Tips to stabilise sudden high or low blood pressure

High blood pressure

  1. Lie down on a flat surface without a pillow.
  2. No food should be given. Only fresh and seasonal fruits or juices should be given. Juices must be pure or only diluted with water. No sugar or salt to be added. Give the fruits only when very hungry.
  3. Rest and relax. Don't work or get into any unproductive or useless, stressful conversation for a couple of days until the blood pressure settles down.
  4. Cold water on the head will be very beneficial. If possible a spinal bath can be given once in the morning and again in the evening.
  5. Do some relaxed deep breathing every time you remember to breathe.

Image credit: leninscape via Pixabay

Low blood pressure

  1. Go into rest mode. Lie down and relax.
  2. You can drink a jaggery infused lemonade or coconut water. You can also nibble on dry grapes (Munakka Dakh) with a pinch of pepper on it.

Follow the rest of the points as given for high blood pressure.

As we say in nature cure “there is only one disease and only one cure”. The disease is toxaemia and the cure is changing your lifestyle to support your body to cleanse and heal itself.

Finally, it is always good to take some help from a nature cure practitioner to help you through your cleansing and healing journey.

Stay happy and healthy always

Swati Dhariwal M.A, N.D

(About the author Swati Dhariwal - I am a Nature Cure Practitioner, practising at Kayakalp Nature Cure Center at Arcot in Vellore, Tamilnadu. I was brought up in a household where nature-based lifestyle was the norm. I was initially trained in practical nature cure under my father, late Dr B Premchand Banthia at Sri Guru Ganesha Nature Cure Sanatorium in Chennai. There I have seen first hand how nature could help people overcome all types of health issues from Chronic cold to cancer, including diabetes, mental disturbances, etc.)

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Disclaimer: The health journeys, blogs, videos and all other content on Wellcure is for educational purposes only and is not to be considered a ‘medical advice’ ‘prescription’ or a ‘cure’ for diseases. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done under the guidance of licensed health practitioners. The views expressed by the users are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

Arpit Kaien

12:45 AM | 13-10-2020

Coconut water further reduces the blood pressure then why is the author recommending to drink it as a remedy to cure low blood pressure?

Rimsha Khan

02:07 PM | 27-09-2020

Very informative!

Pushpendra Pandey

10:54 PM | 29-08-2020

Nice information

manish singh Charan

11:45 AM | 20-08-2020

Very Insightful details, easy to understand.
Thanks for sharing

Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,

11:45 AM | 20-08-2020

thank you

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