
06:00 PM | 09-06-2019

Hi, I am diagnosed with lower levels of Vitamin D and B12. My age is 32 years and often have to deal with office and personal stress. I often feel very tired and take lot of stress and anxiety. Doctor has advised some tablets supplements , apart from this any diet advisory to be followed? I am a pure vegetarian. Thanks!!

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8 Answers

07:03 PM | 09-06-2019

Almost everyone on earth has this deficiency and they always are not in a bad situation. Your vegetarian lifestyle plus stress which is not less problematic as a non veg lifestyle these days has led to your current condition 

There are various beautiful articles under the body wisdom section of wellcure, many lovely heroic journey of healing in the journeys section and tasty and healthy recipes in the recipes section for your further reading to get an in-depth understanding of why we are suggesting the following lifestyle changes. Kindly go thru it during your leisure

All this upon your body’s call for hunger 

Green juice 250-300ml upon waking on empty stomach - Palak mint coriander and anything else you get in your place, ginger , lime and 2 cucumbers or any watery vegetables juiced and filtered. 

Seasonal fruits stomach full till 12 pm 

A vegetable salad without any cooked items but just raw with any edible vegetable, a big glass of juice made of carrot and any other vegetable that you may not like to eat directly. 

Snack on 2-3 soaked nuts / coconut pieces / fruits 


Dinner must be an oilfree unpolished millet based dinner 

Quit the following 

eating diary based foods milk curd ghee butter cheese , milk powder , paneer etc 

White sugar , outside packaged junk 





Any form of grease like ghee and oils ( all kinds of oils )

For your D3- exposure to morning sun every day for 30mins 

For b12, use supplements


04:37 PM | 25-07-2019

Hi Smita,

Any idea after starting supplements , how soon can u start feeling better?


07:06 PM | 09-06-2019

You must increase your exposure to sunlight as much as you can because it is the natural available source of Vitamin D which is for free.
Try and include mashrooms in your diet.
Include a lot of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Include a lot of green leafy vegetables and nuts and oilseeds in your diet to overcome B12 deficiency.

07:06 PM | 09-06-2019

You can eat bajra roti 2-3 days a week in breakfast or lunch. 

06:16 PM | 10-06-2019

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles.

Hi There,

When the body is under tremendous stress (In PNC, it is a state of ENERVATION), the regular elimination is hampered!
If the elimination is hampered then the body holds toxins inside it (In PNC, it is a state of TOXAEMIA).
The toxic body will have imbalanced elements. Some of the elements will go up from its limit, some will go down.
This is an effect of TOXAEMIA, definitely not the cause!

Now, if we address the effect of the problem instead of addressing the cause, what will happen?
When the cause remains unaltered, the problem gets aggravated!
Addressing effect may show up with some patch works for some time.

You have to work on your stress-areas for sure! Unless you conserve your vitality by changing your lifestyle pattern from high stress to low stress, the CURE will never happen.

You have to conserve your vitality consciously and consistently for attaining health.
There are three areas of conservation, PHYSICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL.
1. Opting right food in terms of ample of RAW food amounting at least 80-90% of your total diet will conserve a lot of vitality.
2. You need to opt for a regular stretchable exercise regime to improve your bodily circulation along with opting right quality of sleep.
3. Mental poise remains the most important aspect of conserving vitality to reverse the TOXAEMIC state.

Unless it is holistic, it is not healthy! Hence, I would humbly request you to opt the holistic route to enhance the sense of life, which is never limited to diet only!

Supplements do only some patchworkwhile increasing the toxic load in the body.

Thank you...

07:05 PM | 09-06-2019

A diet rich in Natural Foods will help you feel more energetic. Natural Foods are easy to digest and when body doesn't have to tire itself on digestion, you feel energetic. Start with one most important change - eat only fruits till noon. No restriction on quantity. Eat till full. But eat only seasonal fruits that are locally available.

I will tell you more only after you implement this one :-). One step at a time.

There is no running away from the fact that you will have to reduce stress. Sitting in sun, deep breathing, affirmations, journaling, pursuing hobbies, playing with kids or animals, meditation - choose which one interests you and do it religiously.

11:56 AM | 10-06-2019

Since it is a deficiency of vitamin D I would advice you to have exposure to early morning sunshine at 5-6 am. It is least harmful then and contains maximum amount of vitamin D. It would be most beneficial. 
Apart from this, have green leafy vegetables, nuts and fruits in your diet. 

09:40 PM | 09-06-2019

The body makes all that it needs when the input conditions are right..I.e 
Correct food - high water content foods in raw form primarily 
Exposure to sunlight
Fresh air
Enough exercise
Neutral mindset

Don't worry about individual deficiencies instead correct your lifestyle if lacking. 

Please take up meditation or any hobby which relaxes you. All the best

12:52 PM | 29-07-2020

If i say about stress management then u can do this without medicine but u have to take proper sleep, nutrition food, yoga, play games or do physical activities 

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