
06:42 PM | 15-07-2019

Hello Everyone, What diet should I have to heal Duodenitis. What are the foods you suggest to have in this case or any natural remedies?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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3 Answers

11:44 AM | 16-07-2019


Duodenitis result of aggravation of pitta Dosha.

Aggravated pitta leads to increase of acidic content in stomach fluids.

Avoid tea, coffee, and carbonated or alcoholic beverages.

Avoid processed and fermented foods.

Avoid using garlic, ginger, onions, tomatoes, and vinegar in cooking.

Also avoid rich gravies, sour, salty, and spicy foods.

Curd should be strictly avoided.

Take meals in a relaxed atmosphere at regular intervals.

Practice Yoga and Pranayama such as Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Bhastrika Pranayama, Shitali Pranayama and Shitkari Pranayama by yoga expert.

Eat seasonl fruits, vegetabls, sprouts, green leafy vegetable juice on regular basis.

Eat fibre red rice and see the improvement.

12:01 PM | 18-07-2019

Thank you for your valuable comment!


08:15 AM | 18-07-2019

Hi Mayur,

As per Pure Nature Cure, the imbalance in health happens in 7 stages which starts with 1.Enervation (wastage of energy), then proceeds to 2.Toxaemia (retention of toxin within the body), then 3.Irritation (sensory discomforts), then 4.Inflammation (swelling of any or many parts of the body affected by toxaemia, then 5.Ulceration (expulsion of the toxin by skin rapture, internal or external), then 6.Hardening (confinement of toxin at specific part(s) of the body), then 7.Fungation (spread of the toxin to neighbouring cells of the body).

Every next stage happens only when the individual ignores the indication of the body and continue suppressing the voice of the organism (body's different indications). The stages can be reversed with conscious consistent conservation of vitality.

Most of our health problems are sensed by us when it is in the 3rd and 4th stage of progression. In this case, Duodenitis is nothing but the inflammation of a part of the intestine. It can be reversed naturally by bettering the lifestyles in terms of What you eat (including access to the sunshine, fresh air and water), How you act (physical movements, balance, rest, sleep etc.) and obviously How you think (rational approach of life, relaxation etc.).

There is no short cut or remedy for any specific condition of health in Nature if you seek the cure! The direct addressing of a specific problem would be just suppression of the discomforts!

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

12:01 PM | 18-07-2019

Thank you for your valuable comment!


01:11 PM | 16-07-2019

I don’t believe how many such terms we will encounter and I applaud to the medical community to name every single symptom . Whether it’s an issue with colon/ stomach / intestines / liver / gall bladder / uterus / any of that, they are all packed in the same area of the body. Simple logic says that it’s a compromised gut due to toxemia. That way nature cure is very simple to understand and practice. You just need to understand how body works and what it needs to function properly. How it functions is just an extra information which we can make do and heal without it too. 

The lifestyle that we suggest for any disorder such as constipation / gastritis / bloating / whatever may be the names, is the same. When food continues to not pass out of the body , it attracts scavengers who decompose the food that’s rotting inside. Isn’t that a natural law on earth ? That’s why even the garden aerobic compost happens too. Even in our body we have oxygen supply and the same composting happens. Worms can grow, virus and bacteria can grow, thankfully the heat and lifeforce will avoid many more flying bugs from entering. When body is expected to be clean and function efficiently, such growths will only cause disharmony inthe functioningof the body which works like an assembly line. 

People see relief from cancer with a healthy lifestyle, so please don’t get carried away with the names. 

Quit the following immediately to see relief - eggs fish diary ( everything made with milk and milk products) meat sugar wheat maida ready to eat foods and oils. 


Order an enema kit and prepare to start taking daily after your morning potty 

Kindly start your day with juice of 2 cucumbers, and continue to have vegetable juices and greens juice tilll 12. Next hunger have fruits for lunch . Next hunger have vegetables for dinner. Kindly stay on a raw routine for 1-2 months and you won’t know if you suffered such a disease . It will be your past . Wrap a cold wet towel on your abdomen for 30 mins twice a day, expose your body to sun for 1 hr daily morning. 

Once u can start exercising, start a 30m-1 hr of exercises that will make you sweat daily. 

This must help you. Let us know if you happen to follow and have questions 

12:01 PM | 18-07-2019

Thank you for your valuable comment!


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