
07:03 PM | 23-07-2019

Can anyone help me with depression and anxiety.. I am on psychratist medicine

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9 Answers

09:07 AM | 24-07-2019


One can come out of depression with some efforts. You need to work diligently on yourself.

How does one get into depression?

The most important reason is, the brain stops functionig normally when the blood that nourishes it starts becoming more toxic and is unable to give the brain the required nourishment. And what is the reason for the the blood to carry so much of toxins? It is our unhealthy lifestyle and food habits.

So how can you change or improve the quality of your blood?

Firstly start getting your bowels clean with the help of a clean diet. And a clean diet means consuming lots of locally grown, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Decrease the intake of cooked food to as minimum as possible. Eliminate processed, packaged foods complertely from your diet. Remove white sugar, white salt, Maida and refined oil too from your diet.

Secondly go out in the nature. The suns rays have so much energy that it can drive away any level of depression. Soak in the suns rays every morning and evening, Soon you will start experiencing changes in your mood.

Deep diaphramatic breathing will go a long way in helping your blood get more oxygen.This in turn will enrich your blood and nourish your brian cells, resulting in better thought process and clarity of mind.

Next would be grounding or getting in touch with mother earth. Do some gardenning everyday. The positivity from the sun, air, space, water and the plants themselves will slowly remove all negetivity. 

Do some physical activity regularly, like partricipate in some outdoor sport, or practice yoga or even go for long walks. Bare foot walking would be more beneficial.

Sleep and rest well.

Last but not the least share your knowledge or skills with others. Either for money or for free. But sharing is important. Because sharing is caring and once you start sharing it gives you a feeling of fulfilment and joy.

I have been able to guide many people to give up medications and get back into a healthy and happy mindset. Thanks to my experience in my fathers nature cure sanatorium and now at my own retreat center. So if you need any further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.

Be Happy Be healthy always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner



09:08 AM | 24-07-2019

Hello, depression is the most prevalent of all emotional disorders. Please, know that it can be cured and you will be much stronger than before once this phase gets over, believe in yourself.

The plan of action for self-treatment of depression consists of regulation of diet, exercise, relaxation and meditation.

Diet has a profound effect on mental health. Nutritious food is important to build up brain chemicals such as serotonin and nor-epinephrine that affect mood and often lacking in depressed people. Eat foods rich in the B complex too.

The diet should completely exclude tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, cola, white flour products, sugar etc. Diet should be restricted to three meals a day. 

The depressive mood can be overcome by activity. Indulge in your hobbies, exercise daily and do some social service.

Relaxation techniques like Yoga Nidra and meditation are also very helpful in a depressive mood.

Good luck :)

09:05 AM | 24-07-2019

Deep breathing is your best bet. Deep breathing is more exhaling and less inhaling. Start with three seconds inhalation and 6 to 7 seconds exhalation. Try to do it for five minutes and take a break for ten minutes. Gradually over a period of two months increase to half an hour without break. Once you have achieved this then increase the exhalation to 9 seconds keeping inhalation at 3 seconds.

Anonymous User
10:59 AM | 29-07-2019

Here are my inputs. 

1. Our mind and body are reversible effect.  Meaning one affect the other.. So to repair mind use body.  I mean muscles.  This is what is done when you deep breath. 

2. Our mind tends to get locked to a particular goal which is set automatically. There is a place for logical thinking here.

3. As i said earlier,  do more workout , physically. It helps to pump positiveness in body. 

4. Take the case of brain as a organ which also can be damaged slightly like any other organs. Like a bone is broken.. Something like that.  So make a conscious  effort to rewire your brain. 

5. There is no need to change the past.  Do not think that we were having full control of life.  Actually we dont have. 

6. Think that 50 percentage of our personality is a contribution from you and 50 is common to alll human beings. Depend on the common 50 of the total. 

7. So,  if you think that always doubting yourself,  please focus on the common items in you and others..  This is called zebra technique.  Zebra when in herd will not be spotted by tiger.. Or lion easily.  Instead it appears to be a river bank for tiger or lion. They cant spot the zebra. 

8. Breath is the essense of life.  From breath,  all energy is derived.  So purify it,  regularise it.  Always monitor breath.  Do not even yield for extreme emotions.. Even happiness if over can cause damage. 

9. Use diet and try to control mind by choosing right food.  

10. Meditate. Visit temple/mosque/church etc.  Regularly. Do a silent prayer and ask for power to stabilise your mind.  Visualise some movie scenes where a wounded warrior comes back to life and conquer its enemy. 


Anonymous User
09:07 AM | 24-07-2019

Hi. You will need a complete healing. Physical and psychological. I had gone to Swati Dhariwal’s Center in Arcot. It helped me lots. She is here on Wellcure. May get in touch with her directly. 

09:07 AM | 24-07-2019


Depression is psychological condition in which the patient panics, suffers from social anxiety, feel excessively self-conscious and is worried about unrealistic problems.

can last for six months or more and can affect normal activities, job performance and relationships. Patients with anxiety disorders worry excessively about their health, money & career among other things.

This can leads to fatigue, irritability, muscular aches, insomnia/sleep disorders, abdominal upsets, dizziness, irritability and poor concentration.

It is better that your friend can engage himself in any work gives him satisfaction, improve on his skill and participate in any social activities.

Mingle with good friends, have some councelling. Breathe fresh air. Have a brisk walk. Do yoga and meditation. Practice some mudra from the expert.

Read some books, can travel some nice place.

Breathing exercises: Mind has a very close relation with breathing. A person has short and shallow breathing when anxious or stressed and has deep breathing when relaxed and happy.

Medicine will add side affects only.. so try to work out above said..


Anonymous User
09:07 AM | 24-07-2019

Water fasting 24hours. Hijama (cupping therapy). These two gonna help u. 

11:09 AM | 24-07-2019

How cupping will help me


09:06 AM | 24-07-2019


Any physical or emotional disturbance in the body can be healed . It is very important to analyse your eating habits and make lifestyle changes likeavoiding sugar and salt in excess. All packed, processed, sugary foods after consumption create a hormonal imbalance in the body. It is therefore important to consume foods close to mother earth like raw vegetables, salads, fruits. Avoid negative people and negative talk. Listen to motivational speakers, read books on positivity and thank the All Mighty for all your blessings. Expose to sunlight and practise pranayam and meditation regularly. Wish you Good Health Always!

Thank you,


11:00 AM | 29-07-2019

I can understand how bad it feels when you are in depression because I was also suffering from depression some months ago.

Depression may be due to some stress in your life,it may be an achievement or some person or finances or career. In such cases,you need to stop overthinking.
It may also result from hypothyroidism or obesity. Here,you have to engage yourself in physical exercises.
Get up early in the morning and go outside and look at the sky,this gives a soothing effect to mind.
When you are in depression, you may feel to be alone but trust me you should not.Be with your friend or friends, this moral support will improve your condition a lot.
You may feel a kind of fear to go outside but you need to overcome that and you will start feeling better.
Do meditation daily and give time to your hobbies.
This all helped me a lot and I hope that it will do the same for you.

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