
03:25 PM | 03-10-2018

How can I make herbal tea?

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4 Answers

01:47 PM | 31-05-2019

Ginger tea
In a cupful of boiling water add 1tblspoon of grated ginger,1 teaspoon honey,2cloves,1/2inch cinnamon stick and 2 inch orange strip peel.Boil the water with this mixture,bring the heat to low,let the ingredients seep for a while.Strain and drink.

Lemon and pepper tea
Juice of one lemon,1/2tspoon turmeric powder,1/4 tspoon pepper ,1 1/2 tspoon honey.place the pepper and turmeric in the cup, pour over hot water.Add the lemon juice and honey.Consume.

Dr.Arnold Fernandes(PT)

01:48 PM | 31-05-2019

Anything that does not have caffeine and tannin from coffee or tea leaves is the best herbal tea

Some ideas 

Any herbal tea usually does not need boiling. You need to take very hot water and add the ingredients and let it sit overnight or for few hrs for best results and infusion. You can add dates syrup / maple syrup if you need the sweetness

- lemon grass, ginger and lime 

- combinations of pepper, ginger , tulsi , cinnamon - make a choice

- dried nettle leaf is available on amazon. You can buy it and add lemon to the infusion and it tastes great 

- ginger, clove, cinnamon , some orange zest , lime 

- lemon turmeric pepper 

- Ashwagandha is available in some stores which can also be made to a herbal tea

- tulsi lemon ginger 

- mint dried rosemary and lime 

- if you get lavender / dried hibiscus, u can add lime to that infusion 

- Coriander seeds, jeera, pepper, turmeric 

- staranise, fennel and lime and orange zest 

You can use any of the ingredients and make your own combo too 

01:46 PM | 31-05-2019

I can share two herbal tea recipes with you.

1 boil water. Add 10 leaves of tulsi and 10 leaves of pudina. Remove from gas. Keep the vessel covered for 3 to 4 mts. Filter it and enjoy it as such. If not add a little jaggery if you want to sweeten it. This can be modified further and made spicier by adding a bit of ginger and a pinch of black pepper powder to the water while boiling. 

2 Boil a cup of water add a little bit of ginger and a pinch of black pepper powder. Just as the water boils add 10 Tulsi leaves. Remove from fire and add the peel of half of an orange and cover the vessel. Let the flavours seep into the tea, filter after a couple of minutes and enjoy the orange flavoured tea with or without jaggery.

These two teas are very much popular with the Kayakalp guests along with the hibiscus tea. 

Enjoy the flavours.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 


03:35 PM | 26-06-2020


Herbal tea is very beneficial as it is caffeine-free and also adds to the immunity of our body.

Ginger powder or ginger paste, clove powder, cardamom, cinnamon. 


Boil the water.
Add all the ingredients to this boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. 
Strain the water.
The tea is ready to drink.

Thank you 

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