
07:32 PM | 08-08-2019

I heard a natural remedy which is Ginger and Lemon water to drink. But when should I drink?? Is it in the morning with an empty stomach?? Please suggest....

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8 Answers

01:20 PM | 09-08-2019

Just start your day with a warm lemon drink. Ginger is not necessary. 

01:19 PM | 09-08-2019

Please specify your condition if you dont mind....on generic sense I am answering your query...

Ginger water is good to prevent chronic diseases, helps in balance the blood sugar levels, promote weight loss,prevent pain caused by menstrual periods in women etc.

Lemon water is good to promote hydration, rich souce of vitamin C which could prevent the body from infections,promote weight loss, improve the health of skin,increase digestion, freshens breath and also prevent kidney stones

When warm lemon and ginger water mixed with honey is naturally soothing and anti-inflammatory.


05:32 PM | 10-08-2019

Nice information.


03:21 PM | 09-08-2019

Hello Mrinmoy. Would you like to join our weight loss program? - See here for details pls, we start next weekend - https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/263/guided-online-weight-loss-program.


01:50 PM | 09-08-2019

Thank you for your help. Thankfully I have no health problem till now.I am 40 years old. My parents have high blood pressure. So I am thinking I may get that also near future. That's why I would like to take precautions. If I take Ginger and Lemon water every day in empty stomach, do I get any side effects? I would like to loose weight also a bit.I am 67 kg.Height 165 cm.I want to loose at least 4 to 5 kg.


06:51 PM | 12-08-2019


The best way to begin your day .... to break your night time fast is with fresh locally grown seasonal ripe sweet juicy fruits. 

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature Cure Practitioner 

05:19 PM | 09-08-2019



आप दिन की शुरुआत क्षारिये तरल पदार्थ (alkaline) जूस से करें। जैसे 8 से 10 पत्ते बेल पत्ता पीस कर छान कर पीएँ। खीरा1/2 + धनिया पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। सफ़ेद पेठे20 ग्राम पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर छान कर पीएँ।

ऐसे ही पुदीना खीरा का पी सकते हैं। नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं क्योंकि सुबह हमारा पाचन तंत्र एक नवजात शिशु की तरह होता है सुबह माँ दूध जैसा हल्का, तरल, शक्ति वर्धक पेय होना चाहिए।

आपको अदरक और नींबू के सेवन की ज़रूरत तो तब है जब आप बीमार हैं। प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के अनुसार तो इसकी ज़रूरत है ही नहीं। 

03:19 PM | 09-08-2019

Ginger and lemon are definitely good, for nourishing and detoxifying the cells in your body.
    They help to improve digestive health and also balance the intestinal flora.
    Early morning warm lemon juice with or without honey helps flush your system. And can even be drunk throughout the day with plain water. 
   Ginger is a sulphur containing food which helps in heavy metal detoxification and can be eaten as a staple, and the  quantity you can take depends on your body constitution, just experiment and see.

05:27 PM | 10-08-2019

Thanks for your advice


06:51 PM | 12-08-2019

Hello ,

You can have warm lemon drink early in the morning and if you have any digestion problems or want weight loss then you can also add ginger to it.

03:19 PM | 09-08-2019

who told u that you need to drink ginger n lemon and why first u hav to clear about that then i can tell you

05:26 PM | 10-08-2019

Mam I have seen this video in the YouTube.

Mrinmoy Biswas

05:31 PM | 10-08-2019

Thank you Mam

Dollie kashvani

05:29 PM | 10-08-2019

Its not necessary. u can use only lemon water or shikhanji

01:20 PM | 09-08-2019


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