
10:27 AM | 10-08-2019

Hello.. My age is 20 and my weight is 65 and 5'3 height I want to reduce my body fat mainly from tummy and arms area. Suggest me how to overcome this?

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6 Answers

06:46 PM | 11-08-2019

Hi Samridhi,

Firstly do a check on your daily routine. 
Get up early in the morning and also sleep early. 
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, sprouts ,whole grains like barley as your main meal.

Avoid white bread, wheat,biscuits, jam,cookies. 
Avoid tea ,coffee and other caffeinated drinks. 
Try to cut your dairy products intake like milk,paneer, buttermilk.
Try to avoid packaged foods, processed food items, oily foods.
Try not to use refined oil,replace it with coconut oil or in my opinion, cook oil free.

Do yoga and pranayam especially kapalbhati, suryanamaskar, garud asana,paschimottan asana,bhujanga asana.


12:53 PM | 10-08-2019

first you need to improve your  digestive system. for that i will suggest you to do root chakra meditation then decrease the consumption of high protein food increase the fruits n salads. increase iodiene and magnesium rich food . Do excercise on daily basis. include lemon and citrus fruits in your diet which will help you to remove extra fat. do crown meditation also.

06:47 PM | 11-08-2019

Sir, I am 60 years old.I  have no diabetics & B..P. my weight is 98 kg..please suggest me to reduce weight so as to overcome my problem of foot pain..my no.is 9486033670  .my id tselvam1956@gmail.com  Thanking  you.

06:48 PM | 11-08-2019

Hello. Pls join our weight loss program - https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/263/guided-online-weight-loss-program


06:46 PM | 11-08-2019

Hello Namaste,

Increase intake of fiber, especially fruits and vegetables.

An apple or banana each day is helpful. Bananas should be ripe (bright yellow.

Have a mid-morning soup, preferably prepared with spinach and tomato.

Take daily morning and evening walks for at least 20-30 minutes each.

Eat whole grains and nuts.

Avoid removing bran from the flour because the bran is an insoluble fiber that clears off the intestines and relieves constipation.

Avoid refined foods like white flour, bread, pasta, pizza, white rice, etc.

Disturbing psychological factors should be removed.

The food should be warm and freshly -prepared, as cold and stale food slows down the digestive power.

Soak 3-4 dried figs after washing them overnight in water. Eat them first thing in the morning, and also drink the water in which they were soaked. They should also be taken in the evening. Try this treatment for 3-4 weeks.


12:54 PM | 10-08-2019

Eat well and sleep well and do some workouts as much you can automatically things will change but remember one thing avoid junk foods

12:54 PM | 10-08-2019

Hello Samridhi,

Thanks for your question!!!

Samriddi first of all avoid all kinds of processed food or junk food from your diet. Additionally, try to refrain from grains and carbohydrates for a month. Avoid sugar if you can and try the substitute for sugar. 

If you want to reduce body fat from tummy and arms area then you can do planks for 15 minutes and kapalbharati (Yoga asan) for tummy. 

Planks and Kapalbharti work wonders in reducing tummy. For arms area planks works wonders, though it is good for a complete workout of the body .



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