
11:38 AM | 12-08-2019

I'm loosing my hair can any one suggest me diet to regrow my hair please

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3 Answers

07:08 PM | 12-08-2019

Hair is not too essential for the body when it has to deal with plenty lot toxins in the body. Health of any part of the body including ur hair is inside out .. healing and cleaning happens from inside for best results. Since hair is not very essential for living, it does not focus on the hair even when you detox for sometime. Overtime with consistency of not applying chemicals , washing the hair with cold water etc, it heals itself. It’s very important that you focus on a vegan lifestyle with no diary eggs fish and meat. No sugar and refined products for cooking . No binging on outside foods that are just loaded with junk to make it tasty. 

Focus on being on fruits all morning, salads in the afternoon and cooked millets dinner without any oil. Replaceall oils with fresh coconut , fresh / roasted peanuts and things like that. Eat food in whole.. not in its parts. This will slowly get your organs to function properly. Any body with a properly working organ is healthy. In addition to this 

Wash ur hair with Luke warm or cold water only. Don’t use hot water because it feels good . 

Secondly avoid all shampoos and chemicals to ur body and use this hair wash if you are interested. It’s tried and tested - http://www.wellcure.com/recipes/163/healthy-and-natural-hair-wash

Start yoga and pranayama and learn upside down asanas ike shirsasana and sarvangasana which improves the blood flow r the brain area. 

Start pranayama which helps in fresh oxygen supply. 

Massage your scalp with ur finger tips

You will lose hair while you detox, overtime they will stabilise. 

Be blessed


07:07 PM | 12-08-2019


There are various reasons for losing Hairs like;

Lack of proper nutrition
Vitamin B6 and folic acid deficiency
Unclean scalp, which blocks and weakens the hair pores
Hereditary factors

Eat healthy diet.

Avoid refined foods, refined sugar, junk food, and alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Increase intake of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetable juice prepared from lettuce, carrot.

Avoid using chemical products on the hair. Try herbal oils and shampoos instead.

Factors like excessive anger and stress are also responsible.

Prepare herbal oil for hair growth on your own at home

Ingredients to prepare 100ml oil

Small Onion Handfull
Garlic 5 cloves
Extra virgin Coconut oil 1 cup


Peel the skin of onion and finely chop it. Peel the skin of garlic and finely chop the garlic cloves. Add ½ cup of coconut oil. Add finely chopped garlic. Add finely chopped onion. Ignite the stove and heat it for 5 to 10 minute. Once oil get cool down, store the oil in clean & dry glass bottle along with onion and garlic.

Weekly twice apply this oil and gently massage leave it about 30min and wash it with normal water. Do this for 2 to 3 months.

Will see hair growth.


07:07 PM | 12-08-2019
  1. Amla juice
  2. Curry leaves juice
  3. Spinach 
  4. Carrot juice 
  5. Dates
  6. Nuts 
  7. Avoid spicy foods

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