
09:28 AM | 12-12-2018

My son turned 11 years this October. His height is 4. 2 ft. I am extremely worried that he is very short. What can I alter in his diet to help him gain height?

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2 Answers

09:30 AM | 12-12-2018

Children of growing age have different nutritional requirement than adults.  They need more of calcium for their bones to grow well. You must surely incorporating calcium rich foods like almonds, cashewnut, spinach, sesame seeds, coconut milk, turnips etc. However, do not become obsessed with calcium and ensure the body’s need for other important nutrient is also met up with. This can be done by eating a whole plant based diet.

04:32 PM | 12-12-2018


Apart from the feeding him a lot of fruits and veggies, kindly put him to a sport like basket ball where the practice itself will help, put him on swimming where i have seen my own sisters grow significantly taller than me. Cut diary and junk from his diet completely. Look at a holistic approach to nutrition




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