
11:31 AM | 22-08-2019

Namaste, my friend has been detected with Gilbert syndrome. Please tell me that , does nature cure work for that? How can she get rid of Gilbert syndrome permanently by nature cure?

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6 Answers

04:30 PM | 22-08-2019

Hello Ms. Sushmita

Gilbert Syndrome is where the patient having slightly high level of bilirubin (Bile pigment). It doesn't means liver is not functioning properly,  it's harmless syndrome,And there is no need for treatment. sometimes jaundice may occur.  

Just advise your friend to follow healthy diet routine .


  • Avoid fasting.
  • Eat regular meals and don't skip. 
  • Take plenty of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Avoid fatty foods. 
  • Take St Mary's Thistle tea-helps to regenerate liver cells. 
  • Practice regular exercises and Yoga especially twisting series of Asanas and pranayama. 
  • Mediate to reduce stress (Triggers the bilirubin level).


06:24 PM | 22-08-2019

Thank you sir🙏🙏😊


05:07 PM | 22-08-2019



04:29 PM | 22-08-2019

Dear Sushmita, Rest assured all diseases can be reversed back to health by observing eternal laws of natural hygiene and Gilbert's syndrome no exception to it, it can be cured in shortest possible time. 
Sometimes people eat large amounts of carrots may develop a mild yellow tint to the skin but their eyes do not turn yellow, though bilirubin levels are slightly increased but usually not enough to cause jaundice. This disorder, which is sometimes hereditary, is most often detected in young adults during routine blood tests. It has no other symptoms and causes no problems. Your friend has to switch on to a plant based diet including 80% vegetables raw and cooked and fruits and coconuts  one may drink fruit juices once in the morning and evening, bask in the early morning sun. Eschew all devitalising foods likes of processed, manufactured, packaged foods, which contain refined flour, sugar, synthetic colors, flavors, preservatives, and all animal products, ere long your friend will be quite healthy.


06:28 PM | 22-08-2019

Thank you sir🙏🙏😊


04:09 PM | 22-08-2019

Namaste Sushmita

Nature can help anyone who wants to help them selves. I have seen people with genetic disorders too reverse their problems and live better lives. Only thing needed is 100% trust and commitment.

Be Happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner

06:30 PM | 22-08-2019

Thanks ma'am 🙏🙏😊

Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,

06:31 PM | 22-08-2019

You are welcome 🙏🏻

04:07 PM | 22-08-2019

Hello Sushmita, Gilbert syndrome where the liver does not produce enough bilirubin Can also be fixed by following a healthy lifestyle. If any person does not have this condition at birth he can definitely fix this by following a healthy lifestyle. Understand the role of bile. Among the many roles it has, one of its roles is too thin the fats That have been ingested on a daily basis. So on a high-fat routine liver is typically sluggish and then eventually stops work as well. When liver weakens, The bile also weakens. As the bile weakens the chances of the formation of gallbladder stones also increases.
How did the liver get to Such deteriorated stage?
The liver is one of the organs that continuously separates what the body recognises  versus what the body does not recognise constantly. It can be the oil it can be the perfume it can be the pollution it can be anything. The only thing the body recognises are some things that comes from plants which are fruits vegetables and greens. Rest of it is foreign to the body and has to be expelled. So the more we expose the liver to harmful substances, the more the liver gets sluggish , entire body gets sluggish. The blood also starts collecting muck or sentiments.  To cut a long story short this is what you will have to do.
It’s best to put the person on the wholefood plant-based diet with only raw fruits vegetables and greens and absolutely no fat. Look up the hydrotherapy article in the body wisdom section and follow the same. In addition to that expose him to sunlight , remove man-made chemicals touching his body , over a period of time as his liver starts to detox , the symptoms will also start, do not panic at that time continue to follow a raw lifestyle and resume close to nature as possible with yoga pranayama. With liver we cannot do a rapid detox because that will go into withdrawl symptoms so this has to be a slow and steady process by removing the very conditions  that took the liver get to that state. This will also improve the overall health condition of his body.
If you have any questions do get back to us


Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (Educator of natural healing practices)

06:31 PM | 22-08-2019

Thanks for your suggestions....I will surely tell her😊


06:42 PM | 22-08-2019

ji ma'am...sure 😊

Smitha Hemadri

06:38 PM | 22-08-2019

Feel free to reachif you have any doubts Sushmita

06:25 PM | 22-08-2019

Thank you ma'am 🙏🙏😇

Smitha Hemadri

06:25 PM | 22-08-2019


05:09 PM | 22-08-2019



05:33 PM | 22-08-2019

Hello Sushmita

Gilbert syndrome is caused by the build-up of a substance called bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin which looks orange-yellow is a by-product of break down of red blood cells. A chemical reaction by enzymes in the liver makes bilirubin water-soluble & that's how it gets excreted from the body. This is the normal process but bilirubin levels increase when this process is not taking place properly. It could be that red blood cells are breaking down too quickly or bilirubin is not reaching the liver or body is not making the required enzymes to process bilirubin in the liver (genetic reason).  

Whatever the case be, from a Natural Living point of view, the body is in a state of imbalance, away from homeostasis. Aligning with Natural Laws through eating natural foods at the right time in right combinations, soaking the sun, reducing stress, sleeping well, breathing fresh air, etc helps the body regain its balance. Whether Gilbert syndrome can be cured or not is just one part of the story. The other is that the body will be well-positioned to avoid or take care of any issues which this syndrome is known to bring about.  

I would suggest your friend understands more about the body's self-healing powers. Once she understands the rationale, she will be committed to making changes which may seem a bit difficult-to-do initially! She can probably do an introductory basic course in Nature Cure.  

06:25 PM | 22-08-2019

Thank you ma'am 🙏🙏😊


04:05 PM | 22-08-2019


Gilbert's syndrome is typically harmless and treatment isn't required.

Advised to eat a well balanced and healthy diet, drink plenty of clear fluids like water and fruit juice, avoid fatty or sugary foods or foods that they cannot tolerate.

Some may also require vitamins. Hence eat natural seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Do yoga and meditation. Have a brisk walk in the morning. Exposure to sunlight. 


06:29 PM | 22-08-2019

Thank you sir 🙏😊


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