
05:54 PM | 09-11-2019

Hello.... I am 23yrs old.... My problem is whenever I drink a glass of cold water or anything cold... Or smell any perfume or some odour my neck starts paining and I get alot of fever.... Dr give me some tablets but it works temporary.... In a month I get this problem 2wice or 3thrice and I get cold even I am not able to drive bike as whenever I drive again my neck gets hard and I get fever and starts sneezing and cold. What should I do? Is there any permanent solution for this problem? Plz Hel

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1 Answer

01:08 PM | 10-11-2019

It’s possible that you have a backed up lymphatic system and your triggers like the odours / dust / water continues to inflame the lymphatic nodes. 




It’s the most acidic sewage system in the body. It collects acidic wastes from the trillions of cells and collects it in its drain and carries it to all the excretory organs to dispose it off. If you don’t maintain a good diet, enough fluids intake majorly, the sewage system won’t move it’s wastes properly and efficiently and it become stagnant and wherever there is no movement, the collections of wastes from cells happens. The inflammation and swelling and tightness can happen in any place of the body due to lack of lymphatic movement. The only way to reverse this issue is to switch to a high alkaline diet and to drink a lot of bioavailable fluids from fruits greens and vegetables. The other problems you mentioned are the reasons for the same toxemia condition. If your stomach did a good job then this issue would not have occurred. Stomach did not do a good job because your lifestyle was acid driven / mucus driven.  This can also eventually cause inflammation of thyroid and parathyroid too


This is my suggestion for a lifestyle change on immediate basis. 


1) Feed the body raw fruits more, vegetables, plenty of greens. Avoid any form of cooked food until the condition completely heals and after that only dinner can be cooked without wheat and without oil. Must be using rock salt and not white salt .

2) Drink 3-4 lts of fluids from vegetables fruits and greens including water daily. This is an absolute must as your lymphatic needs heavy flushing. 

3) Sleep for 8 hrs and get up well rested

4) Get exposure to sun every morning

5) Practice pranayama and Yoga as much as possible. Walking also how much ever possible 

6)Emotional thinking can drain ur energy even more and make healing harder. So ensure that you learn ways to stay happy always with life. Listen to BK Shivani, Louis Hay and such people.


Foods to be exclusively included - Fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices and green juices. Dont keep overloading uourself with snacking even if its raw. Eat only when hungry.


Avoid these absolutely

1) Animal foods like dairy, meat eggs fish

2) Grains and cooked in your condition can be avoided for a month. 

3) Sugary treats, bakery foods, fried foods, packaged foods, any form of man made sugar white salt avoid forever


Thanks and be blessed

Smitha hemadri(Educator of natural healing practices)

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