
12:10 PM | 21-05-2019

Hello every1... I want to buy stainless steel cooker... Any idea... Which brand goes well?

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5 Answers

09:00 AM | 15-01-2019

I have prestige and Hawkins both they r both equally good. Get the one that says good for induction and gas, they have thicker bases.

09:04 PM | 21-05-2019

I exchanged my aluminium prestige 3,7,10 to similar steel ones. It was the best decision 

08:50 AM | 14-01-2019

Prestige, any day. If there are newer models with thicker base, go for the same.

06:50 PM | 13-01-2019


06:09 PM | 12-01-2019

Hi I have been using Prestige 3 litre stainless steel cooker for last three years and it has been great. 

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