
09:40 AM | 19-12-2018

My son is 2. 5 years old and is having eye allergy last 20 days. Have been administering eye drops but still allergy isn’t going without the drops. Any alternate suggestions please?

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2 Answers

02:05 PM | 03-09-2018

Hi. When our eyes come in touch with something that raises a red flag in our immune system, our body releases a substance known as histamine. This causes the common symptoms of an eye allergy - tearing, red eyes, itching or burning sensation, and stringy eye discharge. You may also find that your eyelids get puffy and swollen.

Hence, an allergy is body’s way of fighting an external threat. It’s a natural process, we need not worry that something has gone wrong, we should be glad that body is doing it’s work.

Our focus should be to help the body do it’s work and there are many things you can do.

For external relief, you should keep cleaning your son’s eyes with a clean cloth soaked in clean cool water. You can also put cucumber slices on his eyes.

For internally helping the body - give him concoction of 1 tbsp lemon, 1 tbsp honey and pinch of haldi every 4 hours. Let him eat light as only when body gets digestive rest it can focus on healing. So feed him only when he’s hungry. Give fruits, soups and coconut water. It will be good if he starts his day with soaked raisins as they are one of the most alkaline foods and body heals best in an alkaline environment. This also means u should reduce acidic foods such as grains, dairy, non veg, white sugar, refined oil, refined salt, packaged foods, etc.

I myself have a son who is 2 years and 4 months old, so I can totally imagine your agony. But hang in there, do whatever you think is do-able. Also rest is very important for healing, so try to let him sleep as much as possible.

Sorry for the long post... but couldn’t resist responding to a fellow mother ☺. Good luck dear.

02:26 PM | 19-12-2018

Keep your child on liquids like fruit juices cocnut water or juicy fruits if possible. Please stop dairy, grains, non veg, heavy cooked foods for sometime. He will heal on his own. Keep the eye clean by regular wiping. Take him out to the park, let him get fresh air and sunlight.

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