
08:50 PM | 18-01-2019

I am 37 years old and have started getting pain in my knees and heels since last 5-6 months. It does not affect me daily but hurts when I stand or walk for long. I am slightly obese (80kg @5"9 height) and I dont really exercise much with work being done mostly on laptop during the day. What could be the reasons for this problem and how can I cure it naturally?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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6 Answers

08:30 AM | 20-01-2019

The answer to your question is in your question, itself!

Lack of physical activity is one of the main reasons of being enervated and lose out of CONSERVED VITALITY within the body.

If we do not have enough CONSERVED VITALITY within the body, the body reduces the toxin expulsion from the body.

When we have retained toxins within the body, it restricts the blood flow and the body tries to put pressure to overcome the restrictions in the blood flow and we experience the pain.

The garbage, inside the body, needs to be thrown away.

This can only happen NATURALLY, when we have enough CONSERVED VITALITY within the body.

THE CONSISTENT VITALITY CONSERVATION happens through these lifestyle choices, on a regular basis:




Hence, improve your lifestyle with the above. As per your question where you have admitted about the lack of physical activities, you need to improve there immediately!

Thank you...

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04:04 AM | 19-01-2019

I think you are on diary/meat. They make the body acidic by leeching on the calcium to keep the body ph alkaline. Hence the target is majorly the bones. My mother had this issue and was not able to walk in her own house too. Once she went off diary and started eating healthy and leading a healthier vegan lifestyle, she is now able to walk 2-3 kms at the age of 65yrs. It’s tough to quit diary or believe that this is the reason, but you will know only when you try. There are plenty of plant based milks, curds available in India today and recipes are on wellcure too / google. Please feel free to reach us for further help if you are interested to take this further. One of the people I worked with was obese and was not even able to walk peacefully with her daughter to a park to play at less than 35. She is now a happy mom who has got rid of her leg pains. 

All said and done, we have to push ourselves to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle comes with all the problems you have mentioned and it won’t stop at that. 

Start eating a fruit breakfast only till 12pm

Join a gym, hire a trainer there and work out for 1-2 hrs with cardio, squats, tabata, planks etc . Both a vegan diet and an exercise regime can help you in getting rid of all the issues within few months. 

Drink plenty of water as needed

Sleep is precious, don’t miss it

Breath fresh air - take a break from the computer every now and then. 

Get out of the comfort zone. 




Which do you choose ?

10:56 AM | 31-07-2019

Hi sumeet, 
Your knee pain is due to your weight and lack of physical activities and some inappropriate approach to lifestyle. 
Get up early in the morning and do jogging, skipping ,yoga or any other exercise. 
Remove white sugar and dairy from your diet.
Include barley,oats,whole grains,sprouts, fresh vegetables, salad, fruits to your diet.
Consume oil free cooked food.
Take stairs instead of taking lift.
Increase your water intake,it will help to remove toxins from your body.

02:19 PM | 23-01-2019

Hi. Watch your food pattern & its connection with your pain. A few months ago I started having knee pain. It had started due to over exertion as I was doing a lot of walking as exercise those days. So the first step was to give rest to my body, hence I discontinued walking for a while. I have a sweet tooth. So next I noticed that the day I binged on sweets or for that matter any junk, the next day my pain would start again........So yeah overall keep a watch on the trigger. Increase the intake of natural foods. In fact, since you have been struggling for a while, I'll suggest going on an all liquid diet for 15 days - fruit juices, veggie juices & soups, lemon water, coconut water, fruit smoothies. Give your body the chance to work on healing you. Good luck!!

05:55 PM | 19-01-2019

Please work on your lifestyle to lose weight. As you lose weight , you will feel lighter and more inclined to exercise and keep fit. Keep weekly goals and take one step at a time. Seek out an exercise buddy who will keep you motivated.

Apart from this, te most important factor is to increase fruits and vegetables in your diet as compared to grains, processed food, meat, dairy, fried food etc. This will reduce the pain and help you get started on exercise.

Anonymous User
10:56 AM | 31-07-2019

Thanks Shubhi

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