
05:25 PM | 20-01-2019

Is Almond and Almond milk acidic or alkaline?

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3 Answers

12:13 AM | 22-02-2021

Almond is concentrated catagory of food, comes under the nut category.

Nuts are concentrated foods and require a lot of VITALITY in its digestion/assimilation process.

We need nuts very less (5% of the total food consumption, consumable weight-wise).

Ideally, nuts should be consumed after soaking in water for few hours to make it softer and reduce the vitality-consumption.

Almond milk is extracted out of almonds and it is definitely less beneficial than the whole-soaked-peeled almonds. In case of teeth problem one can opt for almond milk, extracted manually.

If you are willing to know what is the ph of almond milk then please read the following note on pH scales.


In brief, let us understand what is a pH scale:

Science has introduced a logarithmic scale to specify the acidity or basicity/alkalinity of an aqueous solution. Acidity and Basicity/Alkalinity are two opposite properties of an aqueous solution. Like everything else, in Nature, aqueous solutions too try to achieve a homeostatic state or the state neutrality. The neutral state of a solution is pure Water. In pH scale the value of water as defined is 7. Below 7, all the solutions are acidic and above 7, are basic/alkaline. Acid and Alkaline always try to neutralize each other to become water.

The pH value of blood is approx 7.4. That means it is almost neutral being slightly basic/alkaline. In diseased condition the pH value becomes more than 7, usually.

With this understanding we confuse ourselves by concluding that we need to make our blood alkaline to have better state of wellness!

It is another superstition!

If we make our blood highly alkaline that is also a health hazard!

Change in pH value or its Alkalinity or acidity in blood is an EFFECT of health.

The CAUSE is somewhere else!

Addressing the EFFECTSinstead of addressing the CAUSE, is a limited and shallow approach.

We cannot carry a pH strip with us to measure the pH value of food that we choose to eat!

Nature has sketched an excellent indicator to identify the right food. THE VOICE OF THE ORGANISM (V/O) is that indicator. The taste sensation is one of the major executions of V/O. Other important V/O in identifying the right food are smell, sight etc. The first condition is the food should be in its natural state without any modification; then we need to use our V/O to identify if it is beneficial for us. We should feel good about the food in terms of its smell, sight and taste.If it feels good, it is good for us. Simple!

We can skip bothering about pH values.

Thank you...

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12:18 AM | 22-02-2021

If you are facing difficulty in finding that is almond milk acidic or alkaline, then I should tell you that they are supposed to be alkaline. But different sources say different things.

So this is how I have simplified this for myself - In general, the food group of nuts is acidic. There may be a few exceptions, maybe almonds is one. But nuts are Natural Foods. Even if one eats them, body is totally capable of dealing with the acidic residue. So I would not shy from eating a handful of nuts everyday. Aim for variety. And aim for whole versions. For eg: Buying packaged roasted salted or flavored almonds - don't expect that to be healthy!! Or buying packaged almond milk, with preservatives & artificial agents - not good again.


12:15 AM | 22-02-2021

Almonds with their high Calcium and Magnesium content , despite being high on fat are alkaline-forming food.and good for body. If you are curious to know is almond milk acidic or alkaline then I should tell you that almond milk is alkaline-forming. It has several other benefits too.

  • It is nutritious.
  • It is lower in calories than regular milk 
  • Unsweetened almond milk doesn't raise blood sugar.
  • It is dairy-free. 
  • Enriched almond milk may strengthen your bones. 
  • It may reduce the risk of heart disease. 
  • Enriched almond milk is high in vitamin D

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