
06:05 PM | 22-02-2019

I am a 31 yr old. For past few months I have noticed a very small floating black cloud type object in front of my right eye. It comes and goes which is quite troublesome. Doctor told me it is weakening of eye muscles, stress and dryness of eyes. Vitamin E supplement and eye drop has been suggested. Kindly suggest any natural way to cure my problem.

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3 Answers

07:57 AM | 23-02-2019

This is called an eye floater. I get them sometimes too.

Reduce your screen time. If not possible, atleast 2 hours before bed time, do not use your phone or computer. Do frequent palming which gives rest to the eyes.

Go out in nature for minimum an hour everyday and let them Sun's rays fall on your eyes especially at dawn and dusk.

Sleep early. I have observed that if I work late at night in the next couple of days they increase. 

Avoid having oily food, high sugar and salty foods, processed foods and too much cooked food.

Try going on high raw - 80% or more with lot of fruits and vegetables and you will see them reduce.

For faster results, you must do intermittent fasting.

Last but not least, do not stress especially about this condition. Be with mother nature!

09:33 AM | 24-02-2019

Really very good inputs. I also suggest sun gazing within half hour of sunrise. That helps great for eyes. It's a tested treatment from nature cure.👍


06:49 PM | 23-02-2019

Thank you mam for your reply. I am doing intermittent fasting since past few months in general for health improvement. Also I am trying to add more raw in my diet. But vegetables, I am still having cooked. Also, I will had increase my sun exposure also, but I thought these floaters are also due to eye straining by the sun, as was doing suntime around noon.
Thank You.


03:28 PM | 24-02-2019

Please do not stare or look at the sun anytime beyond the dawn or dusk. Mostly dawn is preferred. Your eyes will be able to see without any strain. Pls start hydrotherapy of the eye and take a break to do some eye exercises every one hr during work. Increase your intake of carrot juice on a daily basis 

11:37 AM | 25-02-2019

What are the hydrotherapy techniques? I wash my eyes frequently and apply cucumber or potato pads on them


04:07 PM | 24-02-2019

Thank you Mam!


06:32 PM | 23-02-2019

Weakening of eye muscles, stress, dryness of eyes - You should try to resolve all this naturally. What's your routine when you wake up in the morning? I suggest wash your face and step out into nature & do some eye exercises: rotate them left right, up down, clockwise anticlockwise, open them large & stare at greens for few seconds, blink them tight with eyes closed. Close your eyes & look towards the early morning sun.

Reduce screen time. Sleep well. Relax: Put rose water eye pads.

Eat well - Eat Natural Foods, read wellcure blog on the same - https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/20/natural-foods

Wash your eyes few times a day, especially after you come home from outside.

I'll suggest you some help - Look for 'School for perfect vision, Coimbatore' on google. This is their website - http://schoolforperfectvision.com/index.php. Not sure if they consult online or not, but do try. They help people for eye care naturally.

06:55 PM | 23-02-2019

For a moment I thought this question is also from your wife :-). Good to see you participate here Sanchit, hope your wife is doing well. Look forward to see you in the Green Your Life program.


06:42 PM | 23-02-2019

Thank you mam for your reply. In morning I am in a habit of doing meditation, after freshening up. I do not wash my eye until I bathe and also I go out about 9 or 10 AM once I am ready for work. I will try your suggestions. And, yes, I have lot of screen time in my daily routine being in academic research. I will try and minimize unnucessary TV and mobile time.
Thank you!


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