
12:30 AM | 27-02-2019

Hi my sister has been diagnosed with diabetes currently at 200. She does not want to take medications and she is afraid fruits have sugar. Can she still eat fruits of any kind? Please advise

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3 Answers

10:09 AM | 28-02-2019

Throughout the centuries, fruit has been known to be one of the most healing foods available to us on this planet. This incredible deviation from our historical worship of fruit is due to the lies that originate from the very top of our health industries. Fruit is actually the most important food to eat when healing from disease; and yet many people are avoiding it intentionally because they have fallen prey to fruit fear propaganda, unaware that they are hurting their health by avoiding fruit. We have access to fruits today than ever before however despite that we are avoiding fruits. This is due to hidden agendas and misinformation that have warned us to stay away from fruit because of the sugar content, the misleading and inaccurate tests that tell some they are fructose intolerant, and the heavy focus on trendy high-fat diets that are claimed to be healthy. Despite how much false information is spread, people are suffering from more chronic illness today than ever before. More and more people are going to their doctors than before with known and unknown symptoms. Over the past several years, fruit has been blamed for this rise in illness and symptoms. However, people are eating less fruit and getting more sick on the contrary. If fruit is going to be advertised as the truth that heals, no one can make money from it. Once people heal naturally, there is no going back to the doctors. People with diabetes who don’t want to heal naturally have literally pledged their life and signed and handed over a blank cheque and is making doctors only richer but in turn getting sicker with increased dosage and eventually going to insulin and even worse as days progress. Is this what people really want? Is this how people want to be hopeful about a life where there is no happiness? It may be difficult to believe that those in the medical world do not have our best interest in mind. However, the medical industry is just that: an industry. As much as we try to think of the entire world of health care as pure in motive, it is still a business, and a massive one at that. When money is involved, especially to the degree it is in the medical industry, motivations are skewed and greed creeps in. If the population eats less fruit, the medical industry makes more money from pharmaceuticals, procedures, and care that suddenly become vastly more necessary due to the increase in chronic illness. Doctors do save life’s and have best interests in their heart but they don’t have the education to understand or educate people on natural healing with fruits. That subject is not there in their syllabus. So you can’t blame them but the industry that keeps them blind. They are highly intelligent people with the best of intentions and are unfortunately trapped in an industry that runs on hidden agendas. Fruit, on the other hand, has very little money involved. It is not an industry with lobbyists, interests groups, and heavily funded research profiting off of illness. In fact, this is why there is very little funded scientific research surrounding fruit. No one wants to fund a study on bananas because there is no money in bananas. There’s only money lost in the medical industry due to consumers eating bananas and as a result improving their health and having less medical dependence. And, unlike pharmaceutical companies and interest groups, banana farmers do not have the money to fund their own scientific research in order to convince the population to eat more of their product. It is uncomfortable to think about science and research in this way, but it is the reality we are dealing with that is dramatically and negatively shifting the way and types of food people are consuming. As a result, people are sicker than ever. Another major factor in the anti-fruit movement is the individuals that have been intentionally perpetuating these fruit fear lies. The idea that bananas are bad for you stemmed from one person originally, as did the idea that you should stay away from watermelon, apricots, and oranges. This person was about to release a line of fruit pills, which consumers would not buy if they were eating fruit in its natural form. This person marketed the product as a healthier alternative to fruit, which of course wasn’t true. Sadly, many people believed the clever marketing and a wildfire of misinformation started to spread. It’s easy to still be affected today by this early attack on fruit that happened in years past. The internet has since been aflame with the idea that avoiding fruit is the healthiest choice, that fruit causes health problems and weight gain, and that the sugar in fruit is the same thing as the sugar in cookies and candy. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Fruit is the healthiest and most healing food available to us and it’s essential for anyone suffering with a chronic illness or symptom. The anti-sugar movement has convinced people that cutting sugar from your diet in the forms of candy, soda, and frosting, should also including cutting out healthy fruits. It is more than easy to fall for the idea that fruit could be dangerous, especially because the health industries and magazines create so much confusion around the idea. And the strongest tactic the anti-fruit movement takes is fear. They scare you with poor science and calling diets with fruit incorporated in them risky. Many people are not sure on the matter and have simply decided to avoid fruit just in case what they are currently being told is true. The trendy high-fat diets of today in particular perpetuate this mass wave of fruit fear, placing fruit and processed sugar in the same basket instead of understanding and differentiating between the two. Fruits contains water, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants along with its critical glucose. This is not even remotely the same as the processed and damaging sugar found in a piece of candy, chocolate cake, or ice cream cone that has no nutrient value. fruit not only prevents illness, it slows down aging, kills off pathogens, and heals our bodies on a cellular level. When we are told to fear fruit, we are essentially being told to avoid the very thing that will bring us the most life. There is so much misinformation surrounding fruit that is essential to debunk for the sake of yours and your family’s health and well-being. One of the biggest reasons fruit is so important to eat is because it stops pathogens in their tracks and helps in detox. Sugar, while it may sound like an enemy to avoid because of our conditioning, actually runs every single cell in our body, especially our brain. It’s just a matter of having the right kind of sugar that’s found in fresh fruits. In diabetes, the cells have become so filled with toxins and have stopped working that they have closed their doors to unhealthy glucose. But the same cells will open their doors wide to fruits and heal and let the body heal on the contrary. This glucose is welcomed into the cells and energy is created. fact, if you do not have sufficient glucose getting into your cells, you will die. It is absolutely essential to keep us going. Fat, on the other hand, is non-essential for survival. If you try to cut out all sugar and carbohydrates from your diet entirely, your body will use up every bit of its glucose reserves to keep you alive but eventually you either will not live long or give in to some junk foods. If you are already on a high-fat diet includes dairy and meat then your body is already facing a fructose intolerance and fruit fear is naturally the messages that your brain receives from ur gut . I can’t stress enough about the false and misinformation that has been driving you till date. All that I can say is what you believed has given you diabetes and it’s time to trust natural ways of healing. 

Thanks and be blessed. 


10:21 AM | 04-08-2019

Too much appreciable.....and informative article.


02:31 PM | 27-02-2019

Nature has packaged fruits with fubre so there is no need to fear raise in sugar levels.  She can check for herself 45 minutes after eating fruits whether sugar level shoots up.

My father was diabetic and now enjoys all his favourite fruits

12:10 PM | 27-02-2019


Firstly, please begin by helping your sister remove the 'FEAR'. There are many inspirational stories of people who could reverse their diabetes naturally. Make your sister read each one of them here - https://www.wellcure.com/health-journey/tags/diabetes. I will request some of these people to come here and share their view on fruits & diabetes.

Secondly, tell me you are in which city? I'll guide you to a Natural Health expert who can support your sister's journey to get rid of diabetes without medicines & with fruits :-).

Take care.

08:13 PM | 03-03-2019

Hello Anchal , my sister lives in Delhi and she has BP and recently also diagnosed with sugar. I am very worried since my father died last year due to a combination of these two diseases. Please suggest who she can visit ? Your help will be truly appreciated


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