
11:45 AM | 26-12-2018

I'm Having Bad Headache Since Evening. Not Sure Why Is It Increasing. Please Help. Seems It's A Migraine Just 1 Side Of The Head Is Paining

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5 Answers

11:17 AM | 26-12-2018

Please read our blog on migraine in the Body Wisdom section -- What to do if you have migraine?

11:15 AM | 26-12-2018

Treat headache as a message by your body that you need rest. This rest is not just physical & mental, but also at the digestive level. Because whenever we eat something, body has to spend energy to digest that food. So, give some digestive rest to it by eating only easy-to-digest foods such as fruits & vegetables.

In addition to this, just take the fear out of your mind that it’s a migraine etc. Body has an intelligence mechanism through which it always works to give us good health. Have this belief, rest well & you will be fine soon.

11:15 AM | 26-12-2018

Hydrate yourself well. Have lemon & water every 3-4 hours.


11:14 AM | 26-12-2018

Try this breathing exercise – alom vilom. Inhale from one nostril & exhale from the other, then inhale from that other nostril & exhale from the first one. Do this as many times as you are comfortable & visualize your head cooling down. You’ll surely feel better soon. Plus rest lots. Don’t take any tension. Listen to soothing music, keep your eyes closed.

11:13 AM | 26-12-2018

Relax in dark room, putting a cold towel on your tummy and cold pads on eyes. You can also apply ginger juice on your forehead. 

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