
04:12 PM | 31-03-2019

Hi! Am Preetha here. I am getting throat sore since November. If I eat anything little cold or some fruits my throat gets sore. I am on ayurvedic treatment since then. But my worry is that I will be ok when on medicines but once I stop medicines again I am getting sore. Doctor says that I sh

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3 Answers

03:45 PM | 01-04-2019

Dear Preetha - Repeated episodes of sore throat mean your body is not getting the right energy to eliminate accumulated toxins. May I suggest a few things:

  1. Stay totally away from respiratory irritants - white sugar & dairy. This means you will have to avoid packaged foods like biscuits, bread, butter, jam, namkeens, muffins, cakes, pastries, cheese, sandwich spreads, etc......basically anything that comes with a shelf life written on it.
  2. Fruits and raw veggies help in cleaning the system. So don't fear them. The sore throat is just a signal the body is trying to give. Continue eating your fruits & veggies. Don't eat refrigerated, eat at room temp. Eat more of the ones you feel comfortable with such as sweet bananas, mangoes, pears, papayas, etc......whichever are in season in the place you live. Increase your intake of raw veggie juices & salads.
  3. When you feel uncomfortable, steam your veggies and have a nourishing veggie soup. Sip on warm water or boil some ginger in water & keep sipping on that every now & then.
  4. Start your morning with soaked raisins every day. Raisins are highly alkaline & will help your body restore its disturbed pH.
  5. Spend some time in the early morning or evening sun. Sit with your eyes closed & visualise the sun's rays healing your throat. Do it at least 10 minutes daily.   

Here's a concoction I give to my little one whenever he has cough, works for adults also - 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp honey, pinch of haldi, 4-5 drops of ginger juice......have it every 3-4 hours, i.e. 3-4 doses in a day. 

Stay at it for a few days & you should definitely feel better. Will wait to hear from you.

12:51 PM | 01-04-2019

As you have rightly stated, the ayurveda treatment is just symptomatic and not addressing the root cause. Fruits draw out the toxins and help you eliminate it in various forms from the body like cold, cough, sore throat, fever etc. So let it happen. Stop medicines for sometime and allow the sore throat to run its course. You can put a wet towel on your throat and lie down for 20 minutes to help ease the pain.

Also expose yourself to sunlight everyday. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables and reduce oil . Most importantly, stop or highly reduce all animal products for sometime. You should be ok soon.

09:52 AM | 01-04-2019

Hello, you have plenty of triggers that make ur body eliminate bcoz u are almost reaching that stage of last straw on camels back that caused it to fall. Ur body is overloaded with toxins and it needs a reason to come out and mostly during this stage the reasons won’t be predictable. 

U need to pass through a stage of healing crisis where the body eliminates via cold and sore throat and u bear it without meds. There will come a stage when the tap closes and there is nothing more to come out. 

Please read my journey. 


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