
11:40 AM | 03-04-2019

How does one get rid of warts on the face n neck? Does apple cidar vinegar help? Any home remedies for the same? The dermatologist suggests laser treatment. Is that advisable?

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4 Answers

02:40 PM | 03-04-2019

Hi. When it comes to home remedies for warts, pls exercise caution, especially because you mentioned face. Don't do it on your own pls, best to consult a natural health doctor for the same.

Laser treatment will help you get rid of the existing ones, it's a cosmetic procedure, not a natural one. As per natural living, I would encourage you to understand the reason behind warts & treat them from their root cause. This will ensure existing ones fall off on their own & new ones don't come.

To put it very briefly - The 'why' - Warts are caused by a virus. The virus thrives in an acidic body environment. Read blog are germs our friends or enemies? to understand better. So if you restore the body's acid alkaline balance, the virus is unable to thrive, old warts fall off & new ones don't come.

The 'how' - Follow a natural lifestyle comprising the following elements -

  1. Natural Foods - These are non animal based foods, so no dairy & non veg. Plant based foods including a lot of fruits & veggies, especially in their raw form, sprouts and some bit of nuts & seeds, grains, pulses, etc. The idea is to eat 'whole' foods, i.e. as close to their natural form as possible, so refined oil, white salt, white sugar are off & you can replace with healthier substitutes. Read blog on Natural Foods to know more.
  2. Sun - Spend atleast 15 min in early morning or evening sun. Sit with your eyes closed & feel the sun's positive energy fight off the warts.
  3. Deep breathe - You can combine this with the sunning time. Visualise good oxygen enter your warts & destroy them. Oxygen is a carrier of nutrients to various parts of the body, so body will get the right inputs for warding off the virus. Also the exhale during deep breathing eliminates toxins which created the acidic environment in body.
  4. Stay calm & happy - Negative emotions obstruct healing.
  5. Sleep well - When we say beauty sleep, it really means something. When you are asleep, skin cells repair & rejuvenate. So ensure you are sleeping very well. 

Warts are known to often go away on their own. I would suggest you follow the natural lifestyle and experience overall positive impact on your health. If you would like to consult someone to hand hold you through the process, I can put you in touch with someone, let me know.

Take care pls.

03:55 PM | 03-04-2019

Thanks Anchal for the detailed information. Would be great if you can connect me to the person.


01:05 PM | 03-04-2019

Warts are skin projections known to be caused by viruses. While there are different approaches to get rid of warts (including apple cider vinegar), what is important to understand that warts are basically an indication of compromised immunity. Hence, even if a particular treatment method is adopted it is advisable to work towards increasing the body's ability to fight infections. I would strongly suggest you work towards it by following the basics:

  • eat healthy - include lots of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, wholegrains etc. in your diet
  • exercise regularly
  • get enough sun exposure each day
  • ensure you get enough rest and good sleep each day


03:57 PM | 03-04-2019

Thanks Shweta. It is really helpful to know the why, else laser treatments would prove to be temporary.
Can you elaborate on how apple cider is used to get rid of existing ones?


06:43 PM | 03-04-2019

I had a wart, a kind of skin growth on my neck. It dropped off on its own after I started eating vegan and more raw. Skin cleans up when diet is clean, when emotions are in control and when in more contact with nature. Treatments may also suppress the symptoms for a while.

02:38 PM | 03-04-2019

In the book Green for life. One of the Doctor while sharing his experience mentioned that after having a plant based diet for three months he got rid of warts.

You can do the same include raw fruits and veggies.

03:59 PM | 03-04-2019

Thanks Priyanka, for the recommended read.


02:41 PM | 03-04-2019

That's an excellent share Priyanka. Is this Green for life by Victoria Boutenko? May I request you to share the full details & also amazon link if it's available there.


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