
10:50 AM | 22-05-2019

I have cone in my foot with pain, how to cure that....

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4 Answers

05:10 PM | 22-05-2019

Corn is basically caused by pressures which takes the form of an overgrowth. The pressure and growth are directly proportional. Causes can be tight/ narrow  footware or tight stockings. 

Surgical intervention is not advisable as per natural cure.

Possible solutions -

Food wise - being on a majorly raw diet for atleast one month, removing products sourced from animals as food, sugar, processed foods, refined foods, packaged foods etc. 

Exercise for the sole and feet - such as cycling while sleeping on ur back, stretching ur foot up and down, rotations Cw and anti cw, standing on the edge of a step and pushing the heel down and pulling it up, feet reflexology where you sit and press all the points of your feet with both ur thumbs, massage the area around the corn gently to improve blood circulation and release of toxins from the area

Hydrotherapy- take 2 buckets with hot and cold water. Dip ur feet in hot for 2 min and cold for 1 min. If you are suffering from bp, heart problems, liver or kidney issues, you can do the same with a warm cloth and cold cloth. 

Walk on grass if available for sometime in the morning sun. If grass is not available, but some red organic soil, water it and expose it to the sun for a day and stand and march in that container for few mins to ensure that your feet gets exposed to the nature. 

Thanks and be blessed. Lifestyle correction is the only way.

10:16 AM | 23-05-2019

Smitha's response is absolutely in sync with the Nature Cure recommendations. 

Naturally it has to address the cause not the symptoms. 
Foot-corn is just a symptom, the cause is the toxins in the blood - TOXAEMIA. 

Toxaemia happens due to unnecessary depletion of vitality. 
The reversal can happen through conscious consistent conservation of the vitality through lifestyle modification. 

To know more about this dialectic science of Pure Nature Cure, read our series on Wellcure

Thank you...

10:21 AM | 23-05-2019
  • -Put one garlic clove on the corn and leave it to air dry. Cover the corn with a bandage and leave it overnight. In the morning take off the bandage and wash your feet with warm water. Repeat this process until the corn vanishes.
  • -The lemon is rich in citrus acid that softens corns so they eventually fall off. Rub on fresh lemon juice to the corn and leave it to air dry. Repeat this at least three times a day. Another good thing is to mix lemon juice with a teaspoon of yeast, make a thick paste and put it on the corn. Cover the mixture with a bandage, and leave it to stand overnight. You can remove it in the morning.
  • -In warm water with ½ cup of Epsom salts soak the affected foot for about 20 minutes. Epsom salts is a combination of magnesium and sulfate. Baths or soaks with Epsom salt exfoliate (remove) dead skin. After that apply moisturizing cream and wrap the foot in a plastic bag for a couple of hours. You can sit and relax. After removing the bag, gently rub the corn with a pumice stone to eliminate the layers of dead skin.
  • -Put your feet in hot, soapy water with a cup of apple cider vinegar, for about 15 minutes. Then, put on castor oil. If you repeat this procedure for ten days you should successfully peel away your corns.

10:28 AM | 22-05-2019

Hi! Corns are basically hardened layers of skin caused because of continuous friction & pressure. Other than changing your footwear, you could try to get rid of corns by softening them. Soak your feet in warm water and apply a hydrating lotion / oil to soften the corn. This should relieve pain as well. Then use a pumice stone to rub off the corn. It may take a couple of days to get rid of the corn.

05:34 PM | 22-05-2019

I find that not wearing footwear, allowing your feet to breathe, exposing it to sunshine and diet high in raw foods help one to get rid of corn on the feet


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