
12:44 PM | 23-04-2021

Hi I'm 22 and I have hemorrhoids. What are the ways to prevent it? Kindly guide me

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1 Answer

04:28 PM | 26-04-2021

Hello Nivedha,

Pile is a protruding mass in the anal area. Following a wrong lifestyle and wrong eating habits result in constipation and because of constipation, the force that a person exerts trying to push the bowel results in the dilation of blood vessels. And doing this, again and again, results in piles.

Reasons for piles-

  • Taking fatty foods.
  • Having spicy foods.
  • Eating packaged and processed food items. 
  • Tea and coffee. 
  • Not taking proper sleep.
  • Stress
  • Wrong sleeping pattern.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. 

What should be done to cure piles naturally?


  • Take a fluid diet, have fresh fruit juices, coconut water. 
  • Include salads, sprouts, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. 
  • Have a rich fibrous diet.
  • Avoid milk and all the milk-based products. 
  • Avoid animal products. 
  • Have brown sugar in place of refined sugar.
  • Use coconut oil in place of refined oil. 

Physical activity 

  • Take a 30 min walk daily in the morning. 
  • Indulge yourself in some physical activities like football, basketball, running, jogging, skipping. 

Perform yoga and pranayam-

Performing the following asanas improves the digestive system and helps to cure piles.

  • Mula bandha asana
  • Sarvanga asana
  • Shishu asana
  • Pada Hasta asana
  • Bhujanga asana
  • Vajra asana


Sleep is very important to maintain circadian rhythm and hence in turn hormonal balance. 

Quality and duration of sleep, both are equally very important. It also reduces stress and maintains mental balance. 

So, take good quality sleep for at least 6-8hours a day.


Do check if you are on some medications because sometimes some medicines cause constipation. 

So, kindly pay attention to the kind of medicines you take.

Habits to improve 

  • Get up early in the morning. 
  • Start your day by having warm water mixed with a few drops of lemon. 
  • Walk barefoot on grass in the morning. 

Thank you 

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