
02:13 PM | 06-06-2019

What is the natural remedy for IBS

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10 Answers

06:13 PM | 06-06-2019

Living life as per your body’s nature is the best way. Listen to your body. The body has its own intelligence which may not give instructions that match those of your minds. 

So change your lifestyle and try to follow what your body says minutely. 

1 Try to give your intestines as much rest as possible. The name itself suggests that it has been over used and it seems to be irritated. So eat only if you are genuinely hungry. You will know that you are genuinely hungry when you can enjoy the simplest of  fruits or vegetables.  Start your first meal as late in the morning as possible. Slowly slowly push it further everyday. 

Eat as much raw fruits and vegetables salads and greens. Finish your last meal before the sunset.  So that your body gets enough time to process all that you ate in the day and relax. Only when you give your stomach some resting time will it be able to heal itself. 

So eat when you are hungry. Don’t over eat.

2 Sleep well at night, and be well rested. When you sleep is the time when your body can recharge, cleanse and heal. If you feel tired in the day do not hesitate to take a nap. 

3 Align your life with nature. Sun fresh air and earth must be a very integral part of your daily routine. 

4 Monitor  your bowel movement. It will reflect on the well being of your digestive system. As you rest more and more the bowel movement will get back to normalcy. 

Rest your mind, rest your stomach and rest your body. That’s enough for you to heal.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 


06:13 PM | 06-06-2019

Irritable bowel syndrome is becoming common now a days .
Do the following things :-

  • Avoid stress 
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take your breakfast ,lunch, dinner on time 
  • Avoid cabbage , brocoli , cauliflower if gas is your problem
  • Add more fibres in your diet 
  • Drink carrot and honey juice 


06:12 PM | 06-06-2019

IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

It is all about managing your diet during the disease so that you can improve your intestinal health. By following these simple things you can improve your Gut health.

1. Add more fibre to the diet, it will improve your stools in both periods that is constipation as well as diarrhoea by giving roughage.

2. Try to cut down dairy products, as there are chances that lactose is harming your body.

3. Try these Yoga poses to improve your GUT health.

i. Alternate knee to nose position: Sleep in supine position and try to touch alternate knee to your nose.

ii. Knee to Chest position: By sleeping in Supine posistion try touching knees to Chest.

Happy health.

06:12 PM | 06-06-2019

The best way to cure Irritable Bowel syndrome is to take food rich in fibres like vegetables (carrot, cucumber,green beans, spinach,sweet potato,yam), fruits(banana,grapes,orange,lemon, berries), millets, barley,rice etc. Also intake of food at proper interval is quite crucial.

Things to avoid are artificial sweeteners, high fructose diet, alcohol and smoking.

06:10 PM | 06-06-2019

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study this series.

Hey Jignesh,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a symptomof mismanagement of VITALITY!
You need to check your lifestyle for its CAUSE, analytically...

The body must be ENERVATED unnecessary the way INPUTS are opted, primarily!
Please check your INPUTS, in terms of the needed SUNLIGHT absorption by the body, the needed fresh AIR access by yourself, the needed raw FOOD with right WATER consumption. We needed optimum solar particles for our body on a regular basis; we need rhythmic breathing habit with fresh early air in the morning; we need more than 80% of raw consumption of fruits and vegetables of our choices - this gives the right WATER and SOLID FOOD for our body.

After INPUTS, you need to explore your ACTIONS, in terms of your Body movements, Spinal care, Sleep patterns.
Last but notleast, your MENTAL POISE plays havoc in your VITALITY MANAGEMENT.

When you achieve effective VITALITY MANAGEMENT, your health issues get sorted through effective METABOLISM.
Unless you address this holistically, the solution will not be a long-term one!

Thank you...

06:10 PM | 06-06-2019

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common digestive disorder becoming more in recent days due to improper digestive system.
People having this symptoms will face Nausea, Abdominal pain and bloating andMucus / blood in stools.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome treatment involves alleviating the aggravated body energies, restoring the function of the digestive system and the elimination of accumulated toxins. As stress is often a significant cause of this disorder, an important line of treatment consists of lifestyle guidance and herbs to nourish the mind and nervous system.

Change your Diet & Lifestyle by including- Fresh fruits and vegetables as well as fruit juices should be consumed to reduce the amount of inflammation in the lining of the stomach.

Strictly avoid- Tea, coffee, milk and any dairy products, alcohol and carbonated beverages.

Drink ginger tea or chew raw ginger to reduce inflammation caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Do simple yoga and seek advice from yoga expert to strengthen your digestive system.

Try this and see the improvement.



02:37 PM | 08-06-2019

02:44 PM | 07-06-2019

Hi. Two things have to be completely avoided - 1. Stress 2. Dairy. These are the most common triggers for IBS that I have come across. White sugar & wheat too. 

You may also read the Health Journey of Asha Shivaram who had IBS. She was able to heal by simply going back to nature. 

Best wishes

02:02 PM | 12-09-2019



पाचन तंत्र के स्वास्थ के बिगड़ने का कारण है, अम्ल के अधिकता। ये शरीर में प्रदाह (inflammation) उत्पन्न करती है जो की विषाणुओं संक्रमण का कारण है।

शरीर पाँच तत्व से बना हुआ है प्रकृति की ही तरह।

आकाश, वायु, अग्नि, जल, पृथ्वी ये पाँच तत्व आपके शरीर में रोज़ खुराक की तरह जाना चाहिए।

पृथ्वी और शरीर का बनावट एक जैसा 70% पानी से भरा हुआ। पानी जो कि फल, सब्ज़ी से मिलता है।

1 आकाश तत्व- एक खाने से दूसरे खाने के बीच में विराम दें। रोज़ाना 15 घंटे का उपवास करें जैसे रात का भोजन 7 बजे तक कर लिया और सुबह का नाश्ता 9 बजे लें।

2 वायु तत्व- लंबा गहरा स्वाँस अंदर भरें और रुकें फिर पूरे तरीक़े से स्वाँस को ख़ाली करें रुकें फिर स्वाँस अंदर भरें ये एक चक्र हुआ। ऐसे 10 चक्र एक टाइम पर करना है। ये दिन में चार बार करें।I

खुली हवा में बैठें या टहलें।

3 अग्नि तत्व- सूरर्य उदय के एक घंटे बाद या सूर्य अस्त के एक घंटे पहले का धूप शरीर को ज़रूर लगाएँ। सर और आँख को किसी सूती कपड़े से ढक कर। जब भी लेंटे अपना दायाँ भाग ऊपर करके लेटें ताकि आपकी सूर्य नाड़ी सक्रिय रहे।

4 जल तत्व- खाना खाने से एक घंटे पहले नाभि के ऊपर गीला सूती कपड़ा लपेट कर रखें और खाना के 2 घंटे बाद भी ऐसा करना है।

नीम के पत्ते का पेस्ट अपने नाभि पर रखें। 20मिनट तक रख कर साफ़ कर लें।

मेरुदंड स्नान के लिए अगर टब ना हो तो एक मोटा तौलिया गीला कर लें बिना निचोरे उसको बिछा लें और अपने मेरुदंड को उस स्थान पर रखें।

खीरा और मेहंदी या करी पत्ते का पेस्ट लगाएँ,नाभि पर खीरा का पेस्ट लगाएँ।पैरों को 20 मिनट के लिए सादे पानी से भरे किसी बाल्टी या टब में डूबो कर रखें।

कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस आपका मुख्य भोजन है। अगले सुबह ख़ाली पेट इनमे से कोई भी हरा जूस लें।पेठे (ashguard ) का जूस लें और  नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं। बेल का पत्ता 8 से 10 पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर छान कर पीएँ। खीरा 1/2 भाग + धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। दुब घास 25 ग्राम पीस कर छान कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ।

ये जूस सुबह नाश्ते से एक घंटे पहले लें। नाश्ते में फल लें। दोपहर के खाने से एक घंटा पहले हरा जूस लें। खाने में सलाद नमक सेंधा ही प्रयोग करें। नमक की पके हुए खाने में भी बहुत कम लें। सब्ज़ी पकने बाद उसमें नमक डालें। नमक पका कर या अधिक खाने से शरीर में (fluid)  की कमी हो जाती।

सलाद दोपहर 1बजे बिना नमक के खाएँ तो अच्छा होगा क्योंकि नमक सलाद के गुणों को कम कर देता है। सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें और नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। कच्चा पपीता 50 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। कभी सीताफल ( yellow pumpkin)50 ग्राम ऐसे ही डालें। कभी सफ़ेद पेठा (ashgurad) 30 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। ऐसे ही ज़ूकीनी 50 ग्राम डालें।कद्दूकस करके डालें।कभी काजू बादाम अखरोट मूँगफली भिगोए हुए पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी लें।

रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लें। रात 8 बजे के बाद कुछ ना खाएँ, 12 घंटे का (gap) अंतराल रखें। 8बजे रात से 8 बजे सुबह तक कुछ नहीं खाना है।

एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल  को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस  भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ  ले सकते हैं।

जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन वर्जित हैं।

तेल, मसाला, और गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा। चीनी के जगह गुड़ लें।

हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 8 बजे सलाद लें।




प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)


02:02 PM | 12-09-2019

Irritable bowel syndrome as the name indicates, is caused when the colon is lined with rotting waste, unwanted bacteria and foods that was not digested properly in the stomach and before coming into the colon. The causes still remains the same - foods such as dairy eggs, gluten, meat, seafood consumed over a long period of time with heavy fats and proteins that weakens the bile and the hydro chloric acid in the gut. With weaker stomach acids and and ineffective weak bile, the food does not to get digested properly and leaks into the intestine while the pathogens feed on them . Overtime it reaches the colon which is the final dumping ground. This causes inflammation, pains constipation, diarrhoea and can also result in piles, fissures and yeast infections on the excretory organs.


To heal this condition., It is best that you start cleaning the  GUT, which in turn will clean the liver, which in turn will be ready to absorb and deliver nutrients throughout the body and eventually cleaning the intestine as well.  If the previous organs in the process have done their job, the colon will not have to take a hit. it’s very important that the liver starts doing its job to heal any kind of intestinal issues/organs of excretion so that the unwanted food , pathogens and heavy metals doesn’t end up in the intestines and colon. Ideally these are supposed to thrown out naturally after altering its state, but when they end up as-is, they attract more issues in the colon which the colon might not be geared up to do 


When body organs are clean, they do their job perfectly well. With a right lifestyle this can be achieved . You must switch to a low fat plant based lifestyle. Low fat here because fats also come in low % from raw foods like fruits vegetables and greens. 


  1. Give rest to the colon by juicing majorly for few days with green fruit or veg juices only in abundance like it’s your meal. 
  2. Take water enema for a month without interfering with your normal bowel movements 
  3. Stop the consumption of dairy eggs meat seafood
  4. Stop all forms of fats ( oils , grease , nuts seeds ) that will add load to an already compromised liver
  5. Stop all forms of foods that are purchased
  6. Go raw on greens, fruits majorly for one full month/ 2 months as conditions improve
  7. Cooked food post that has to be only once a day without using oils or ghee with 30% grains that are gluten free and oilfree, unpolished, unrefined 
  8. Wheat and foods with maida wheat has to be avoided 
  9. Sugar and processed sweetners avoided 
  10. Place a cold wet towel daily on the abdomen for 30 mins. Start with 5 mins hot towel and 25 mins cold
  11. Exposure to sunlight for 30 mins
  12. Practice mental peace, leading a stress free life, free of any form of negativity 


Let us know if you have any questions

Be blessed 

Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

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