
06:20 PM | 06-06-2019

I came across a patient today, who had come to me for fatty liver treatment. On taking history I found out that she was eating a full box of chalk daily for the last one year. She refuses to give it up. She is a 29 year old married female with two kids. Any suggestions on how I may help her in a natural way? I have already counselled her on healthy eating and planned a balanced diet for her.

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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8 Answers

08:56 PM | 06-06-2019


She needs to get in touch with the earth. She must work with her bare hands. Plant trees, tend to them, water them and be among them. 

She could grow as many greens as possible and consume them with her salads.

Apart from that following the eight principles of health would slowly help her overcome the cravings for chalks. 

The eight principles are

1 Sun exposure

2 Fresh air. Regulated conscious diaphragmatic breathing.

3 Hydration through fresh, local, seasonal fruits and vegetables.

4 Grounding as I have explained above

5 physical activity as in gardening, yoga and walking.

6 Rest. Physical, mental and physiological. Get adequate sleep.

7 Eliminate. Old matter from the bowels. Unimportant and stressful matters from the mind. Unwanted stuff from home. 

8 Fresh plant based food. No animal products. No dairy. No processed or packaged stuff. Only fresh and whole plant based foods.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 


08:51 PM | 06-06-2019

If she is having lot of affinity towards chalk eating there are chance that our hemoglobin is low which is making her crave that.

Doctor you can get her blood levels checked.

If that is the case then advise her to eat more dates, jaggery water, green leafy vegetables to improve her hemoglobin level.

All the best Doctor.

05:44 AM | 07-06-2019

Fatty liver and pica(eating chalk) suggest that she and she might be having - 
1) Calcium, vitamin D3 or iron deficiency
2) She has some stress factor which is correlated with this psychological and physical symptoms
3) Lack of physical activity
4) Excess intake of certain drug intake also causes this type of side  effects
5) Excess non-veg intake
Investigation needed:-
1) Hb, calcium and vitamin D3
2) Salivary cortisol level to check stress factor 
3) ESR - to check inflation level in the body (excess and reduced level cortisol also relates with it) 

Understand the physical, mental cause and go for complete management. 
1) Naturopathy and Yogic Psychological counseling to assess and treat - she may need behavioral therapy 
2) Diet counseling 
3) Fasting therapy (lemon honey juice fasting) has the power to cure fatty liver and well as to control pica addiction along with enema for 3-4 days. 
4) Loosening exercise, abdominal exercise, certain asanas, pranayama and meditation 
5) Sunbath - walking early morning every day 
6) Abdominal packs 
7) A healthy intake of fruits and vegetables 


08:50 PM | 06-06-2019

Charu, my answer is the same. I have written about addiction in general and it works for all kinds 



08:49 PM | 06-06-2019

Eating chalk can be due to the mental disorder named Pica. It is common in animals but is diverse in human beings. Pica is related to iron deficiency. The usual after-effects of eating chalk are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Once a habit, it is difficult to lose. Therefore is it mandatory for your patient to visit a psychiatrist to understand their point of view and treat it accordingly.

Now coming to their food. There is no particular remedy or ingredient for this but a balanced diet and some general counseling will suffice. The body needs to consume Vegetables and fruits which increase the iron content. Foods like dates, spinach, broccoli, lentils, beans increase the iron content in the body and hence naturally heals the body over time.

08:34 AM | 07-06-2019

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study this series.

Hi Charu,

Helping a person who is not wanting it, is an enervating act for the person who is trying to help and the person being helped, both!

It is a case of prolonged irrational dispositions of food and emotion!
Eating chalk is the symptomatic outcome of her formed irrational thought patterns.
She needs to be counselled to form her proper analytical perspectives.
She needs to understand what is food at her beyond-conscious level.
Due to irrational juxtapositioning of emotional eating she must have formed this peculiar habit.

I would love her to opt right food (Sunlight, Fresh Air, RAW Fruits and Vegetables of more than 80% of her diet) for at least amonth, even if it needs a little push from her side. This would help her to form a reception of analytical thinking.

Then, if it is feasible, I would recommend her for a thorough REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy) or a dialectical Nature Cure training to rewire her understanding about life, emotion, action and food, holistically.

Thank you...

08:50 PM | 06-06-2019

Whenever there is toxic build up in the body, there will be a craving for unnatural foods. Overtime, as a healthier gut is built with a healthy lifestyle, these will reduce over time and go away. Right now she is not in a frame of mind to accept your suggestion.  Let her start with your food and lifestyle recommendations and she will reduce on her own

03:05 PM | 07-06-2019

Liver is an very essential organ of the body.It is responsible for converting the important nutrients into the forms that are needed for healthy body build up.It removes poison from the body by detoxifying the alcohol, medicines and other harmful chemicals that enters the bloodstream.
Fatty Liver problem can occur to any person. Any individual who lives an unhealthy life may suffer from liver diseases that could lead to serious health problems in future.
Avoid taking high dosage medicine for longer period. Maintain life balance by maintaining time for sleeping, eating and physical fitness so that such problems will never occur.
Eat organic fruits and vegetables, avoid sleep under air conditioner for longer period.

To overcome this problem try below remedy:

1. Take 7 almonds
Add 2 dried dates
Add 3 small cardamoms
Soak them in water overnight
Crush them to make fine paste the next morning
Eat once every day

2. Take 4-5 tomatoes
Boil them in 500 ml water for 15 min
De-skin and crush the boiled tomatoes
Press them on a sieve and extract their juice
Drink the juice every morning on an empty stomach

3. Increase intake of whole-wheat flour, brown rice or parboiled rice, mangoes, bananas, tomatoes, spinach, potatoes, Indian gooseberries (amla), grapes, radishes, lemons, dried dates, raisins, almonds, and cardamom.

4. Drink Plenty of water.

5. Take adequate rest.


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