
10:31 AM | 19-07-2021

I am having urticeria also known as kaph-peet dosh. I get red spots on my skin. I see redness in skin & itches & hives. Tired of this, what should I do for permanent solution? Its too irritating. I have allergy of some food, even after not consuming such food I get hives. What should I do?

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2 Answers

08:54 PM | 31-07-2021

Hello Mansoor,

Urticaria is caused by pollution, toxic diet, and also the stressors which we get exposed to in our day-to-day living. With the above food mentioned can be the cause for some people, the basic cause remains the same which is of chronic food habits which cause the problems. So, the main thing here on which we have to give our complete attention to is changing our lifestyle with inclusions and exclusion of few things in our daily routine will help us in treating the problem, which is primarily through diet.

So here are four things to deal with:


  • Citric helps in treating skin disorders effectively. We have so many sources like sprouts, sweet potatoes, capsicum, papaya which, when included in your regular diet, will help in treating the issue. 
  • Apple and carrot juice are very beneficial in treating the disease. One apple and one carrot blend them in water and make a thin consistency. This mixture should be helpful.
  • Another thing that helps in treating skin disease is the application of aloe vera gel and coconut oil. After bathing during nighttime, you can apply aloe vera gel and coconut oil. 
  • Avoid milk and milk products as they can aggravate your state. 


Exercising helps in treating any diseases as because of exercise, our blood is circulated well, and our body parts become healthier.

A brisk walk in the morning in the sun helps in treating the issue. Sun helps in treating all the diseases at the same time, builds our immunity. Sun exposure is significant to have a healthy life. A 30-minute walk in the early morning sun is helpful.


Meditation helps in treating any problem, which has stress as the cause. Mindful meditation is healthy; music therapy of 15 minutes is required to have a comfortable and fresh mood. Doing it before sleep will help in getting sound sleep.


Adequate sleep helps in treating the problem; sleep helps in rejuvenating our cells and will help in building up our immunity. Our sleep cycle is compromises 90 minutes. This cycle should be repeated five times that 7-8 hours of sleep is essential to have a better life.

Hopefully, this will surely help you treating hives.

Thank you


09:19 PM | 25-08-2021

Hello Mansoor,

Any problem in the skin also reflects your inner health. Skin problems also result due to the accumulation of toxins. Urticaria is an allergic reaction which gets stimulated by various factors like change in weather, some foods, etc. So, it is important to have a change in lifestyle and eating habits. 

Local application 

  • Avoid the use of all chemical-based products on your face. 
  • Mix turmeric with gulab jal and apply it on your face, keep it for 15-20min and then wash it with simple water. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and is very good for the skin. 

Things to avoid 

  • Avoid tea and coffee. 
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. 
  • Try to cut spices and spicy foods from your diet. 
  • Try to avoid packaged foods, processed foods, oily and deep-fried foods. 
  • Avoid animal products like eggs, meat.
  • Avoid milk and other milk-based products. 


  • Start your day with a glass of hot water with lemon. This will help to eliminate the toxins from the body.
  • Have fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. 
  • Include salads, sprouts, nuts, beans in your meals. 
  • Drink freshly prepared fruit juices. 
  • Have coconut water. 
  • Drink plenty of water to be hydrated throughout the day. 


  • Protect your face from dirt and pollution. 
  • Change your pillow cover every 3rd day.

Thank you 

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