
10:20 AM | 11-06-2019

My eyes have become red & frequently watering. I can see blurred rainbow colours on the upper part of my vision when looked on any light in the evening. Iam 45 years now.. What care I should take?

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5 Answers

11:10 AM | 11-06-2019

I am assuming it is your eye.

Based on the limited information, it is difficult to ascertain the cause.

In the short term you can do two things:

First, cucumber poultice - put grated cucumber on your closed eyes for 4-5 minutes.

Do this every couple of hours

Second, put a few drops of pure rose water in cool purified water and wash your eyes once every 2 hours.

You can alternate between both options.

Please see a competent doctor if symptoms persist.

05:17 PM | 11-06-2019

You should put cucumber over your eyes and let them relax for a while.
Wash your eyes properly with clean and cold water.
Reduce your screen time, only use your laptop or phone if extremely urgent. 

11:10 AM | 11-06-2019


1 Wash your eyes a couple of times a day with salt water. Add a pinch of sea salt to a cup of water and use it to wash your eyes with the help of an eye cup.

2 Reduce your screen time to nil. 

3 You May also try an eye patch of cotton dipped in carrot juice.

4 Have fresh juicy seasonal fruits mostly to assist in your cleansing.

Rest and relax. Your eyes will be just fine in a day or two.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal MA, ND, DHBTC.


11:09 AM | 11-06-2019

Left eye? Please clarify. My guess is it sounds like the eye..so I will go ahead and explain anyways. 

Eyes like our skin can breathe too. Like any other part of the body it can get stressed and infected too. When the body is tired, it asks for rest. You can’t focus on details etc and all you can think of is resting. Similarly when eyes are strained, it will be vulnerable to viral attacks because it can’t clean itself properly. 

Lack of enough sleep

Driving without glasses 

Too much screen time 


Staying out too much in the hot sun when the body is not sufficiently ready and detoxed 

The above can lead to such issues such as red eyes, watery eyes, infections where eyes become crusty etc.

When eyes collect toxins because it can’t get rid of it due to eye strain or similar, eyes start to water to get rid of the toxins. Yes it’s a natural response of the eyes, but unless you give it what it needs - rest, it won’t heal. 


Immediate - wet cloth bandage of grated potatoes / carrot / cucumbers / mashed ripe banana overnight can help in some relief

Long term cure - stay on pulpless natural liquids like tender coconut / fruit and vegetable juices without any sweetener . This does not include mango banana and such pulpy fruits. It’s fruits or veggies that have water in them- filtered . Lemon water is also great. Flood your body with fluids and sleep for the whole day. If needed add fruits to the diet and again continue the flooding. Body will find the aid needed to flush itself, get moisturised and also get the forced rest it needs. 

Prevention -

Avoid diary meat eggs sugar wheat soy corn packaged foods and include plenty of raw fruits veggies and greens to your daily diet to avoid such accumulations in future. 

In future, avoid the root causes as described above. 

Be blessed 

11:32 AM | 11-06-2019

One more thing that I do at home to clean the eyes is to take a small cup of water upto the brim and dip ur eyes in it and open close multiple times and then start with the above packs I described above


05:17 PM | 11-06-2019

Wash your eyes with clean water.
Put a few drops of rose water twice a day
Wear sunglasses when you go out in order to overcome the irritation.
Avoid contacts with screens

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