
11:26 AM | 11-04-2024

My 11 year old daughter is having psoriasis since 1 year. Tried allopathy and Homeopathy with few turmeric, liver detox and probiotic supplements.. Not helping. Can you please guide?

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1 Answer

06:29 PM | 10-02-2024


Thanks for sharing your query with us. Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells build up forming scales and dry, itchy patches. It is due to the accumulation of toxins. What you should do is adopt a natural diet and lifestyle that aligns with the circadian rhythm. Start by incorporating Vitamin C-rich foods such as lemon, sprouts, sweet potatoes, and oranges into her diet. You can find a variety of recipes on our website. If the itching is extreme, consider including coconut water and vegetable juices in her diet.

We would also suggest you to take up Heal Skin Diseases Naturally Personalised Coaching with our expert so that she can handhold you throughout with the help of dietary & lifestyle related changes. 

Meanwhile, you can explore this health journey on "getting rid off psoriases"

You can contact our team members for more information: 9630162732 (Sanjana), 844831324 (Vandana)

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