
12:18 PM | 10-04-2024

When I sneeze and have a cold, I struggle with the bowel moment. Why does this happen? I have been sneezing every day since January 2021.

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1 Answer

12:49 PM | 10-04-2024

Namaste Sanjib,
We understand that it must be challenging for you to deal with this condition. Toxic overload is the basic root cause of all diseases. Due to insufficient elimination of toxins (via kidneys, skin & lungs) the body gets clogged and the toxins cause inflammation of tissues. Cold is inflammation of the inner lining of the nose. Now, your gut is like a chief minister of your body, it knows every small thing happening in your body. so when ur body dealing with a cold, it uses all its energy to fight the inflammation and that's why u don't feel the motion and sometimes hunger too.
Easy steps to deal with this:
when you start providing the alkaline environment cold and sneezing get cured and bowel movements will get in normal sync
1. Include bael and pears in your diet. both help in regular bowel movements.
2. Ginger Tea: Add an inch of ginger into boiled water and it will help in cold.
3. Lime juice should be diluted in a glass of warm water and a teaspoonful of honey. it helps with colds and sneezing.

If you need more assistance you can explore our Relieve Cold and Cough Naturally (Hindi) E-Learning course or join us for Natural & Holistic Healing Coaching.
Meanwhile, you can go through the article on Cold & Cough Nature's Healing Mechanism

For queries regarding the program, you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha).

Wishing you a fast recovery and good health

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