
03:53 PM | 25-04-2024

Hi Doctor, I was diagnosed with jaundice 25 days ago, I recovered in 10 days. Then on I am trying to reduce weight. My current weight is 92 kgs and I m 5ft 10 inch tall. Ideal shld be 80 kgs. I want to ask what is good and natural substitute of sugar , is is shakkar( powdered jaggary) or honey? Or anything else. Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

03:46 PM | 25-04-2024

Namaste Nitin,
Thank you for sharing your concern with us. The good substitutes for natural sugars are seasonal fruits, raisins, dates and figs. If you are trying to lose weight then avoiding processed sugar and packaged food items is a good step. But you need to focus on other aspects too.

You can follow these tips to start your healthy weight loss journey
1. Half of your plate should have raw veggies in the form of salad. You can refer to salad recipes
2. Eat as per the body's circadian rhythm.
3. Physical Exercise: Try to do any form of physical activity daily. You can go for yoga/brisk walking/running/cycling etc.

If you need more guidance and handholding you can explore and join our Natural weight loss program, where a natural health coach will comprehensively look into your routine and give you a customised diet & lifestyle action plan.
Meanwhile, you can go through the article on 5 Habits Harming your gut.

For queries, you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha)

Wishing you good health

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