
10:21 AM | 04-07-2019

Please I need a proven remedy for functional dyspepsia. It was confirm after an upper GI endoscopy.

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5 Answers

04:14 PM | 04-07-2019

if you are confirmed with your diagnosis than it is time to majorly work on your lifestyle.

You can start with simple measures.

  • Eat your meal two-three hours before you sleep.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Avoid highly spiced food.

The proven and most effective remedy for the same is whenever you have an episode drink one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in cold water.

04:06 PM | 05-07-2019

Hello Abisola Ji,

Dyspepsia- When food is not digested properly,and most of the food is not converted into nutritious juice required for the sustenance of the body, it forms the mucus. 

Very little of this substance gets converted in nutritious juice while a large part of it is converted into waste products. This excess of waste causes aggravation of vata, which disrupts the normal functioning of the digestive canal thus producing (ama) in the body. Ama is the toxin caused by undigested food. When dhatus (tissues) are produced from this defective nutritious juice, there is an aggravation of kapha and pitta in them. This results in bad quality of tissues/organs and low immunity.

We should understand Signs of proper digestion:

No acid eructation. Feeling of strength and energy to work again. No difficulty in passing urine or stool. Feeling of lightness in the body, despite eating. Feeling hungry again at the right time of the next meal.

We should also understand Signs of improper digestion

Lethargy Heaviness in the body and stomach. Vertigo. Constipation or diarrhea.

What major cause you will experience here is, Eating before the earlier meal is digested, eating too much, eating heavy foods, eating irregularly, eating very hot or very cold food, eating too much drying food, eating without giving a thought to quantity and the compatibility of the food, eating food which is not suited to the climate/season or body is often responsible for indigestion.

Holding irrepressible urges, drinking too much water, working late nights or not getting proper rest, mental factors like Anxiety/ fear/anger/sickness/sorrow etc also contribute in causing indigestion.

Let see the permanent Solution for this Dyspepsia.

First and formost you must adapt to Natural Diet & Lifestyle.

Improve  your Digestive System first for that what you should do is;

Consume food in proper quantity.

Eat when you are hungry.

Foods should complement, not contradict each other.

Eating in a pleasant environment is preferable.

Eating should be paced properly (not too fast or slow).

Minimize distractions while eating.

Food should be eaten according to constitution.

Eat freshly prepared foods as much as possible. If you have to eat leftovers, make sure they are not more than a day old.

Drink spring or purified water. 

Try to get up early in the morning and drink two to three glasses of water the first thing in the morning. It is preferable to store the water in a copper pot on the previous night. It helps to remove toxins from the body. In winters you may warm this water.

Regular meditation, yoga and exercise are advisable. Exercise promotes circulation and helps to maintain the blood flow to every part of body. Exercise to half of your strength.

Proper rest and sound sleep are advisable.

Keep your mind relaxed.

Avoid keeping awake late into nights and try to get up early in morning.

Add morning and night walk to daily routine.

Avoid too hot and too cold temperature.

Last but not least- Eat fresh and natural foods. Avoid preserved, canned, or fast foods.


04:22 PM | 10-07-2019



07:45 AM | 06-07-2019

Thanks everyone for the responses they’ve been helpful.

10:04 AM | 05-07-2019

Hey Abisola,

Dyspepsia is toxin accumulation in the intestine.
The toxin accumulates when it is not expelled properly.
Reduced expulsion happens due to overuse and wastage of VITALITY.

You need to check your vitality spends in the areas of INPUTS, ACTIONS and THOUGHTS to reverse the condition, naturally.

  • Check your food inthe first place, it should be as simple as possible. Simple food means natural food without any modification. Majorly, fruits are our food.
  • Improved your access to the sunlight.
  • Inculcate rhythmic deep breathing habit.
  • Watch your water for its purity.
  • In other areas of ACTIONS, move your joints on a regular basis. Sleep on time and take care of the balance of your spiine.
  • Nonetheless, THOUGHTS improvement is one of the major areas, one should work. More the neutral state of mind, the more conservation of vitality happens.

I would recommend you to opt a Nature Cure consultation for detailed analysis and specific recommendation.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles.

04:14 PM | 04-07-2019

It’s the GUT in a bad shape and not prepared for effective digestion . To fix this, the only solution is to give it a break to heal itself 

You may begin with a fast on water for 3 -5 days . After that only on juices ( fruits veggies greens) tender coconut or some herbal teas for 10 days. Then slowly start with fruits and then after a week start vegetables / steamed veggies with little or no salt. Then once the symptoms get better and GUT gets back some power to digest, add a grain free ( quinoa / besan / Rajgira etc ) , legumes like Chana, peas etc along with steamed veggies as one main meal for the day .  Occasionally choose to go back to liquids if symptoms reappear. It takes a while for he stomach to go on and off. Be disciplined . The lengths of the fasts cannot be prescribed, u have to study your body and it’s behavior and return to positive raw juices. You are your own doctor. Always remember that 15 days of fasting for every 6 months is a must for your condition . You cannot have too much grains in the diet and definitely two big cooked meals is a lot for your body. U cannot manage it. Oncethe body is getting better, juices in the Morning , greens and fruits for lunch, greens and veggies if more hungry and followed by a grainfree cooked meal. Remember to only answer the call for hunger after all this routine because your hunger will return.

Do a regular water enema. But a kit and do it daily. Use luke warm water after your morning routine. 

Sun bath or exposure to sun not its heat for 30-40

Mins with little or white cloth to expose as much skin as possible. 

Use a cold wet cloth wrap around ur abdomen for 20-30 mins per day. 

It takes considerable amount of time for the GUT to heal.. few yrs give and take. So disciple is needed. If medicines were taken for yrs to suppress the stomach related issues/ other such issues , it might take longer . Just because you slip here and there symptoms come back , don’t lose hope. It has been caused after yrs of abuse..so it takes time too.

Very importantly- avoid diary, sugar , wheat , any gluten , millets and rice in moderation ( once or twice a week ) , no oils strictly , no processed and outside foods , packaged foods. Anything that’s kept on the shelf and does not spoil, will mess ur stomach. No meat eggs fish. Keep all forms of negative feelings like anger hate jealousy or any such feelings out of your life and resort to meditation / yoga to get into a calmer and spiritual state of mind. Trust me such feelings even if they are not food, they will burn the insides. 

Be blessed 

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