
11:35 AM | 10-07-2019

How to cure Endometriosis Naturally? What diet would be best to overcome this permanently.

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4 Answers

03:29 PM | 10-07-2019

Some good natural methods include application of heat it can be in the forms of heat pads or baths as it relaxes the muscles.
Turmeric proves to be beneficial you can have an Intake in the form of tea along with ginger.Also try to avoid dairy products and include green veggies, broccoli, blueberries, ginger,chia seeds in your diet.
Massaging can reduce inflammation and cramping.
Diet need to have some moderation that includes adding variety of fruits and vegetables,avoid fats especially trans that are otherwise bad for health also cut down processed foods whereas soy may help and also add iron rich foods in your diet.

03:17 PM | 11-07-2019

Yes, endometriosis is an infectious disease that is mainly caused due to infection in the uterus. The infection can be due to vaginal bacteria, Women's who have been facing the problem of endometriosis are at high risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Can Endometriosis be Prevented?

Yes, it can be prevented by opting healthy diet, by lowering the level of estrogen hormone in the body, and by avoiding unhealthy life style and poor diet. Also avoid the caffeinated drinks that can also raise the level of estrogen. 

Avoid overcooked, 
fried and processed food,
Reduce stress

Avoid meat

Its better you can opt for anti-inflammatory foods, take ginger tea, turmeric etc.
Put hot water pack on the lower part of the abdomen.

Apply daily castor oil on naval button before going to bed.

Natural medicine like Shatavari root, Aloevera juice, seasonal fruites, veggies and yoga will heal without any side affects.


If it left untreated for long time and it can also depends upon the severity. It may lead to long-term serious problems such as scar tissue, chronic pain and may also cause infertility. Along with these symptoms it may leads to ovarian cyst.


09:39 AM | 12-07-2019

Hi Mohan,

Any problem in the body happens due to wastage of VITALITY. Due to which the output gets affected and toxins stay in the body.

The toxin accumulation in the body is known as TOXAEMIA. This evolves as different symptoms. Endometriosis is one of the symptoms of TOXAEMIA.

TOXAEMIC state can be reversed naturally by the body with conserved vitality and thereby the expulsion of the accumulated toxins.

Hence, it again narrows down to the CONSCIOUS CONSISTENT CONSERVATION OF VITALITY (CCCV) to enable the body to throw the toxins out of the body.

CCCV can happen in all the ways of INPUTS, ACTIONS and THOUGHTS.

INPUTS are to be bettered with conscious exposure of sunshine, fresh air, pure water and raw food.

ACTIONS are to be bettered with the consistent movement of the joints, spine care, the habit of rest and sleep.

THOUGHTS are to be bettered by inculcating rational analysis and practice of meditation (silence).

With CCCV, the body gets the strength to expel toxins.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles.


10:59 AM | 11-07-2019


1. Endometriosis manifests due to delay of toxin elimination by the body. The body has delayed the toxin elimination as the toxin accumulation has occured somewhere else in the body which if not eliminated may be fatal. Invariably poor digestion is one of the prime reason, however this may not be the only reason.

2. Endometriosis is a result of continuous bad lifestyle for a period of five to twenty years. It may occur faster in people with weak immune system and also be delayed in people with strong immune system.

3.Endometriosis is an auto immune change manifested in the uterus wherein the ovaries when released are pushed in reverse direction. This happens as the toxin accumulation has lined the walls (safety auto mechanism by body) and thus the guiding strands reverse their direction. This accumulation of toxin if continues unchecked, it flows outside the uterus causing more problems.

Cure: Endometriosis. The one simple approach for curing Endometriosis is to stop ingestion of toxins into the body by all three means - physically, chemically and emotionally. The following is a recommended option.

1. Whole Plant based diet. Start with 21 days on only grapes juice, followed by seven days of only fresh fruit juices, followed by 60 days on fruits and raw vegetables.

2. Deep Breathing. One hour daily.

3. Sunbathing. One hour daily.

4. Spinal Cord Integrity. Exercise one hour daily for spinal cord.

5. Meditation and Prayers. One hour daily. This may be like chanting, praying, kirtans, meditation or simple walking.

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