
07:47 PM | 09-07-2019

What is the natural way of curing depression?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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6 Answers

03:04 PM | 10-07-2019

Depression is a kind of temporary behavioral action that needs to be treated and given an eye to otherwise it can harm a person in few other ways.
Nutritional adequacy has been proved to be beneficial like inclusion of foods rich in zinc,folate and even safron is good.

Other than this the environment should be made happening,get involved in activities that you like for eg:- listening to music .Practice yoga and meditate it soothes the nerves and relaxes the body.

You also need to share things and not just keep it to yourself and if felt necessary consult a doctor.

11:30 AM | 10-07-2019


Depression is a common emotional disorder which may occur to both Men and Women.

which leads to ;

Mental stress
Drug addiction
Deficiency of vitamin B complex

You can find symptoms like;

Overwhelming sadness
Feeling of dejection
Deep sense of loss
Physical loss of energy
Disinterest in everything
Mental unrest
Disturbed sleep
Loss of appetite
Health deteriorates leading to
Impotence or frigidity
Lack of concentration

To overcome from Depression, Ensure being active, engage yourself in any physical activity. 

Take some  simple tasks to do, so that he or she can experience a sense of achievement. Sufficient rest and meditation will help rejuvenate the body.

Adapt your life style to natural and simple.

As a remedy you can try 

Brahmi and ashwagandha are commonly available ayurvedic herbs
Take 2 tbsp of brahmi or ashwagandha powder
Mix it in 1 glass of water
Drink 2 times a day


Cut, de-seed and crush 4-5 Indian gooseberries to paste
Press this paste on a sieve and extract the juice
Take 2 tsp of this Indian gooseberry juice
Add ½ tsp nutmeg powder
Mix well
Drink 2 times a day

Fresh fruits, fruit juices, vegetables (raw or cooked or boiled), vegetable juices, sprouts, nuts, dry fruits,are the best to increase sattva and enrich the mind.

Breathing exercises: Mind has a very close relation with breathing. A person has short and shallow breathing when anxious or stressed and has deep breathing when relaxed and happy. Next time you become stressed, watch your breathing. Try to slow it down. Take a relaxed position and breathe deep using the abdomen muscles. Let the diaphragm expand while breathing in, and contract while breathing out. This will immediately relax you and reduce anxiety attacks. Exercise, meditation, relaxation techniques and Yoga postures are also recommended.


Depression leads to health problem such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disorders, alcoholism, IBS or hereditary. Other known causes are past trauma, mental health problems and life experiences.

So take good care.

10:37 AM | 10-07-2019

Hi Geeta. Natural way of curing depression is 'to take responsibility for your depression' :-). Responsibility in terms of taking steps to get you out of it. The very fact that you have asked this question means you have already taken the responsibility. Great, keep at it!!

I would like to explain a concept called bio-dance. Our body is made up of trillions of cells & the building blocks of these cells are called elements - oxygen, carbon, hydrogen - 90-95% of our body is made of these. Other elements are nitrogen, phisphorus, etc. Everything in universe is made of these elements. These elements dance in our body, outside our body, in nature, everywhere. They are constantly being exchanged & that's what is called a dance. When you eat a cucumber, let's say you get certain elements from it, when you exhale you send out carbon & oxygen, when plants do photosynthesis they use this C & O, when plants exhale O someone else inhales it....so on & so forth. The point is that we are constantly changing, constantly evolving. It is said that 90% of your body's elements get replaced in a year's time.......So I believe if you supply your body with the right inputs, depression can go out of the window. How to do it - 

  1. Eat positive foods - no animal foods, refined processed foods. Lots of fruits, veggies, sprouts in their raw form.....Positive foods will automatically make you feel positive.
  2. Do creative visualisation - Close your eyes & see yourself in a happy place. Try to use all 5 senses of see, smell, touch, hear, taste. 
  3. Surround yourself with people that make you happy. Make an extra effort to do so.
  4. Change your interpretation of negative emotions. Force yourself to look for a positive in everything.    
  5. Stay connected to others who are or have been on the journey of curing depression. You'll be surprised to know that not only are you healing, you will help others heal.

Don't hesitate to work with a psychotherapist. Its ok to reach out for help. May you find one like SRK of Dear Zindagi :-). Pls watch that movie if you haven't already.

Wish you all the best. 

09:52 AM | 11-07-2019

Thank anchal


11:34 AM | 10-07-2019

Dear Geeta,

We had a similar query from another user on Wellcure Q&A platform. You may want to follow the thread to the same here.

Team Wellcure

07:30 AM | 10-07-2019


Depression is a reflection of the state your body is in internally. So to clear depression you need to clean your system. How can you do that?

1 Increase intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Reduce cooked food.

2 Elimination of all kind of processed food from your daily diet.

3 See to it that your bowel movements are regular. They must be larger than the amount of food you have consumed during the day.

4 Sleep well. Sleep in the earlier part of the night. Don’t sleep too late. And wake up with or before the sunrise.

5 Spend atleast an hour or two in nature. Work with your hands in the garden. 

6 Sit in nature, relax, take in the sun, breath deeply.

7 Get into some regular physical activity like some out door sport or yoga.

Do this for a month and you will forget what depression is completely.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal

Nature cure practitioner 



10:53 AM | 11-07-2019

Hey Geeta,

Sturcture governs funtions!
Try and focus on the cellular improvements by changing the food patterns to more and more raw fruits and vegetables, exposure to the sun, fresh air and pure water. 

Consult a Nature Cure pratitioner for lifestyle modification.

Depression will go off, as byproduct to the change in cellular structure.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

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