
07:47 PM | 09-07-2019

Any natural for strong nervous system?

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3 Answers

03:05 PM | 10-07-2019

Namaste Ji,

First let see the reason why it occurs. One of the major reason is Excessive pressure on the nerves.

Incorrect eating habits, Entry of toxic substances and other fluids in the body and Nutritional deficiencies.

Let see some natural remedies to overcome:

1. Daily morning explore yourself to sun light by applying some coconut oil in the body and sit atleast for 30min in the early morning sun light.

2. Take 300 ml carrot juice
Add 200 ml spinach juice
Mix well and drinkThis strengthens the nervous system and provides relief from the pain

3. Include the following in your diet:
Whole wheat
Brown rice
Raw and sprouted seeds

4. Do not lift heavy items which leads to discomfort in later stage.

5. Do simple asanas and mudras by learing with proper experts.

6. Take Plenty of Rest.

12:56 AM | 13-07-2019

Good one Dr.....keep it up sir


07:30 AM | 10-07-2019


Optimum sun exposure is what you need to strengthen your nervous system.

And of course a good clean lifestyle too where you are consuming mostly raw local seasonal fruits and vegetables mostly.

Keep your bowels clean.

Spend time in nature.

Don’t drain your vitality in futile actions or thoughts. Conserve as much vitality as possible.

Be happy be healthy 

Swati Dhariwal

Nature cure practitioner 


10:57 AM | 11-07-2019

Hi Geeta,

Let's talk VITALITY in terms of our existential aspects.
VITALITY is our basis of existence.
VITALITY is engaged at the 3 basic levels - MECHANICAL, CHEMICAL AND NEURAL!

  1. The engagement at the Mechanical level is minimum - these are visible works e.g. our visible choices of life, movements etc.
  2. The Chemical Level of engagement is mediocre in VITALITY-SPENDS- these happens within the body in the process of breahing, digestion, assimilation etc. metabolic actions.
  3. The Neural works engage VITALITY, the maximum - these are invisible impulses, thoughts processes etc.

When one finds weakness at the NEURAL level, for the reversal, the other two levels need to evaluated and checked.
Unnecessary engagement of VITALITY in the mechanical and chemical levels is the cause of the weakness at the neural level.

At the Mechanical level, one needs to check if the wastage of VITALITY can be reversed or not.
The mechanical level includes the food choices (including exposures to sun, fresh air, pure water etc.), physical exertions etc..
For example, simpler (unmodified natural food, primarily fruits) the food better the conservation of VITALITY, non-exertive physical works with pleasurable movements of the joints conserves a lot of VITALITY.

At the Chemical level, digestion, assimilation can be taken care of by the choice of food.
Conscious breathing takes care of the conservation of VITALITY at the chemical level.
Proper sleeping patterns rejuvenates the organism at the chemical level.

The weakness at the neural level needs an approach from the other two levels.
Direct correction in Nature is not possible.
All other direct approaches will amount to stimulation and suppressions.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

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