
09:53 AM | 17-07-2019

Hi. What weight should one gain after delivery?

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4 Answers

11:30 AM | 17-07-2019

One usually does not gain weight after delivery irrespective of the fact that either the person is in stress which leads to gain in weight as stress hormones contribute towards it.
On the top of it women who remain sleepless i.e take mostly 5 hrs of sleep at night might gain weight.If regular schedules of breastfeeding are being followed the chances of increase in weight is not there rather the weight decreases at a good pace.
In some cases thyroid can be there leading to weight gain.
Still if you are going through it kindly keep an eye on your plate.Exercise that can be moderate should be there. Don't stress and be happy

11:29 AM | 17-07-2019

Hello Ji,

What is member Height and weight at present? How long its been they Delivered Baby?

Can we have those detials to give appropriate answer.


09:28 AM | 18-07-2019

Hi Manjari, 

This cannot be generalised! 

If one syncs with Nature, the ideal weight (not the one which is a medicinal recommendation but which the individual is comfortable with, physically, physiologically and psychologically) is obtained, effectively. 
The natural event of life does not play any hindrance in this. 
Delivery of a baby is very much a natural event of life. 

Thank you...

11:29 AM | 17-07-2019



A couple of kilograms is ok to gain after delivery. That’s because you are feeding a baby and you are mostly in rest for sometime. But after 45 days of delivery you can get back into proper physical activity to get back in shape 


Be happy be healthy always 


Swati Dhariwal 

Nature cure practitioner 


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